Take It All

467 27 3

Adeles POV

"Help my baby!" I yell to the lady at the front desk. 

Simon has Ashlyn held tight in his arms. 

My little baby is unconscious.

"Okay, okay Ma'm calm down! We just need a parent or guardian name, patients name and who's your doctor?"

"Adele! Adele Adkins!" I yell not caring if anyone hears, "Yes I'm her mum of course I am! I don't know who our freaking doctor is okay, just help my baby! She's been cutting herself, help her now!"

I see Simon look at the lady empathetically and whisper, "Sorry, you know how Mum's are. Plus, we just found out we are expecting again, so her hormones are starting to get to her."

I glare at Simon, "Just get me your best doc-" The world begins to spin around me as I stumble back a little bit and the doctors take Ashlyn to a bed.

"Babe? Are you ok?" Simon worriedly asks as he tries to comfortingly put his arm on my shoulder.

"Yeah I'm fine," I snap. "Just find me a freaking doctor," I yell to the receptionist.

"Mam you need to calm down. This is a highly inj-" The receptionist begins as she takes us to our room.

"I will calm down when my baby's ok!" I yell, cutting her off. Doctors begin pouring into the room and start doing tests on Ashlyn. 

My baby Ashlyn.

"Mam do you have any idea of how long she has been doing this?" The doctor asks as he hooks Ashlyn up to some fluids.

"I...I..I don't know." I say, as my eyes start to get watery.

"It's going to be okay Adele," Simon says as he reassuringly puts his arm around me, seeing me being to cry.

"No it's not Simon, so stop saying that," I snap. "I'm sorry... I don't know what's gotten into me," I sadly say, after seeing his reaction to me yelling at him.

"It's okay Dell. I promise you everything will be okay, and when have I ever broken a promise." He states as he kisses me.

"Ashlyn has lost a lot of blood! We need to get her in for a-" The doctor began, I begin to feel dizzy as the whole world spins around me. 

Suddenly everything went black.


Simons POV

"Adele!" I yell as I catch Adele just before she falls to the ground. 

I begin to panic. 

All this time I was trying to hold in all my emotion to be strong for Adele, but all this was too much. 

"Help her!" I scream to the nearby Doctor. 

The doctor takes Adele to a room close to Ashlyn's and starts to run a bunch of tests on her.

"What happened to her? Will she be ok?" I load the doctor with millions of questions as my eyes begin to get teary.

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