Why Do You Love Me

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Adeles POV

"Hey Lau," I tiredly walk up to Laura making lunch in the kitchen of the hotel room.

"You still look dead go back to your graveyard." Laura chuckles pointing to the bedroom I rose from. 

Everyone was still sleeping and it was already noon. We are all still tired from the past exciting week together.

I still couldn't stop taking my eyes off of my ring. It keeps reminding me of my wedding day and what is going to be held. It mostly reminds me of the man, the most wonderful man that I soon get to call my husband.

It reminds me that someone actually does love me like that.

"Dell, hello? Dream much?" Laura asks waving her hand. I shake my head coming back into reality.

"Oh yeah sorry. I'm just so excited." I quietly yell trying not to wake anyone.

She looks up at me confused, "About what?"

"Haha, funny one," she continues to look at me the same, "oh your serious. About my wedding Laura." I practically scream.

"Ohhhhhh, yeah that's right! Me too." She smiles trying to act happy.

Okay, I just can't take it anymore, I've noticed as soon as I saw her that my happy, cheerful, so energetic Laura wasn't with me. Someone else is with me and I can't figure it out.

I stand up and walk on the other side of the counter to where she was, "Babe, do you need to talk?" I question.

She shakes her head continuing to make a salad. I take the bowl and scoot it over. She looks up into my eyes as I take her hand. Out of the corner of her eye, I see a tear forming, "Laura you're my best friend. Talk to me. You haven't been my Laura, the one I know, the outgoing one. Something happened to my best friend, what's wrong?" I watch as tears slip from her eyes.

"I'm not pregnant, Adele." She pauses and takes a deep breath, "I never was."

I gasp, "What! Wait? So we aren't going to be pregnant buddies?" 

She shakes her head now balling, and falls into my arms. I stroke her hair and rub her back. Tears are now streaming down my cheeks too.

She leans away trying to catch her breath. She throws up her hands, "It's obvious Adele, I can't get pregnant. I can't have any children and I never will be able to. It's not fair, you have so many wonderful children and I can't even have one."

"No! No! No! Laura, no don't do this. Come on, it's not your fault, it's not mine. Let's not get into this like that." I pick her head up to look at me, "Laura, you will have children, when you and Daniel can. Maybe you weren't ready for children yet. Maybe it was a good thing, I mean now you can watch my kids for me and Si." She fakes a smile. I know this is hurting her and it will be. This isn't easy I haven't been through what she is found through right now, but I know it's hard on her. 

It's going be hard on me seeing her so upset like this.

I pull her in for one more hug, "I love you Laura and you're going to get through this, I'll be here for you. Always."

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