You'll Never See Me Again

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Simons POV

"How was your flight babe?" I ask Adele on face time.

Ashlyn, Anika, and Angelo all snuggle up next to me trying to see their mum.

"It was fine." She yawns, "I miss all my babies, how are you? What did you guys do today?" Our kids all spark up after she asked that.

They all fight over the camera and yell stuff out.

"No, I want to tell her tha-."

"No, I do."

"Na uh, I get to! You told her about something else."

"Okay okay guys one at a time," Adele yells over face time.

"Well," Angelo starts grabbing the phone out of my hand, "Daddy and his friend took us out for ice cream. It was so good! Then they took us to a fair and that was so fun."

"Ooo, that does sound like fun Peanut! I didn't know Daniel went with you guys." She says smiling, glad everything is going okay.

"Daniel didn't go, mummy," Anika says, "his friend Faith from work did," She adds.

I can see Adele's face get all red.

Even if it's just on video call I can still, I see the anger in her eyes.

She knows Faith has a little crush on me, as we learned in the past.

"Faith huh?" Adele repeats, "Well isn't that interesting."


I put the kids to bed and decide to call Adele after attempting to fall asleep but can't manage to close my eyes.

"So Simon, how was your day today?" Where the first words Adele said as soon as the call connected, "The whole day you basically spent cheating on me!" She blurts before I could say anything.

"I didn't cheat Adele," I say.

"Oh yeah? Then what were all those weird moments you and Faith had and the fact that Angelo, my baby Angelo, called that stupid women his Mum." She yells.

"Adele it was an accident, it was really nothing, Honey."

"Nothing! Nothing! You think that is nothing, well Simon that means a lot to me! My son, your son, our son, called your little 'friend' of yours his mother!"

I let out a sign.

I can't hide the truth any longer to her.

"Babe, I spend time with her because she reminds me of you, and I miss you so much, Delly. It hurts me every day when I wake up in a cold empty bed without you by my side. Being with Faith helps me when I miss you, it makes me feel like I'm spending my time with you. She reminds me of you, Delly."

"Seriously Simon? This is what you decide to do when I'm gone? Basically try and find a replacement for me, who is a thousand times prettier then me, who the kids and you probably love way more than me, so you know what? Go have fun with Faith! Go spend the rest of your life with her, have fun, Simon!" She angrily yells between sobs.

"No! Adele! You are 100000 times hotter then Faith, and honestly, Ashlyn and Anika hate her. I don't want to spend the rest of my life with anyone other than you Adele! Faith just takes my mind off of the fact that you are more than 8,000 miles away from me."

"How does she 'take your mind off of me'? By flirting with you? Is that how she does it? You go and hook up with some girl from your work just because you want someone to replace me? Wow, thanks, Simon."

"No! Babe! Faith and I are just friends. I would never cheat on you because you're my Delly, and no one could ever replace you." I whisper as I feel tears begin to run down my face.

"Just Friends? You know what I can't be in a relationship with someone I don't trust, especially after what my past relationships did to me," She pauses trying to form words through her cries," G-Goodnight Simon."

"Wait! Adele! I Lo-" Before I could finish my sentence Adele disconnected the call.

I feel my heart breaking.

What have I done.

I threw my phone onto the floor and begin to cry.

My first sob in a long time.

I might have lost the love of my life forever.

I pull the blanket close to my face and take a deep breath.

It smelled like Adele.

My Dell.

The Delly who is more than 8,000 miles away from me.

The Delly who I might have lost forever.

I shut my eyes trying to take my mind off the subject, trying to make sleep come to me.


I quickly lift my head and sleepily rub my eyes trying to make out who said that.

"Adele?" I confusingly ask looking at her standing in my room.

"This is all your fault, Simon. I can't be with someone I don't trust.. I don't love you anymore."

She kept repeating these words.

I rub my eyes wondering what's going on.

It's happening again.

Just like last night.

Just then my phone rang, making me jump to the sudden noise, knocking me out of my trance.

I jump off the bed and grab my phone.

It was her.


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