Chapter 2

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"Mali principii malus finis."

Gotham City
Wayne Manor

Throughout the next morning, Jason felt eyes boring into the back of his skull. He turned and saw his adoptive brother, Dick, staring at him. Jason couldn't figure out Dick's resentment. It was like Richard was seeking something that couldn't be obtained from Bruce, and somehow he was resentful of Jason for something he couldn't understand at all.

"Hey kiddo, listen Barbara's a bit too old for yo-" Jason cut him off.

"She reminded me of someone I missed, Grayson. And also I'd prefer to be friends with her, that is all." Jason snapped. His fist clenched tightly as he struggled to keep his temper in check.

Richard's eyes widened slightly. "I guess I should say sorry for assuming anything-"

Jason turned to look at him with a glare, "Yes you should." He was lucky, Jason hardly ever watched his mouth when it came to disrespecting authority, as if Dick counted as authority that is.

Dick paused, his eyes turning icy, "Wait just a sec, I'm not apologizing to a kid like you. Hmph, you can ju-" His index finger pointing accusingly toward Jason, who had a blank face.

Bruce walked in and inquired the situation, "Boys, no fighting." He said, staring down at the duo.

Dick gave Jason one last glare before he turned to leave to his room.

Already Jason didn't like Richard for being a dick (no pun intended). He hoped that once he started school, Richard would lighten up and ease his attitude toward him, if it was possible.

He gathered his things and put on the required uniform. He wore the tie loose around his neck. He stared at his reflection for a moment. His red hair, blue eyes, he could've passed as Bruce's son if he had black hair that is. Jason raised a brow at the idea of dyeing his hair. He tied his polished shoes, they fit comfortably and noticeably Jason walked oddly.

He walked downstairs and noticed the sleek black motorcycle sitting outside. The redhead, Barbara, leaning on it as Dick spoke. She had a rather bored look on her face. Of course she had the uniform on too, meaning....she also went to the same school but in another section of the building.

Jason sighed, tugging the backpack over one of his shoulders.

Barbara rolled her eyes at Dick, "I'm just giving your brother a ride. It's not my fault that you got suspended for fighting."

Dick groaned, "I thought you weren't mad at me for that!"

Barbara gave him a look, "You're lucky I haven't told Bruce..."

Dick opened his mouth but shut it quickly, having no retort. Barbara turned and saw Jason standing awkwardly.

Barbara walked over and tied up his loose tie making sure to have enough room for the boy to breathe.

"There ya go, Jay." Barbara said. The nickname slipping out. Jason knew she didn't know, how could she? She didn't mean anything by the harmless nickname. It was harmless to everyone but Jason, to him, it was a reminder of what he lost.

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