Chapter 3

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"Astra inclinant, sed non obligant."

He knew that things would change. That things would somehow become better. But since that day of school, Jason's life became something different.

Bruce turned around and said, "Looks like I'll have to train you to fight."

Jason paused, "I don't need training."

Bruce sighed, "After what happened with those men and those boys, I think you do." Inside Bruce had a different reason altogether. If I don't train him, he'll become a part of the criminal element. He can use this to channel his rage.

"Fine, but how long?" Jason ran a hand through his red hair.

"11 months. At least." Bruce said, "But before we do any of that. Follow me."

Jason grumbled, but he watched as Alfred went ahead while Bruce waited. A secret door opened, "Wait....what's going on?"

"Just follow." Bruce said. A stern look on his face. Jason followed slightly.

That's when everything pieced together. The late nights, the lonely dinner table, the rushed excuses, the absences. Bruce Wayne was the vigilante, Batman.

As they went downstairs, Jason heard the sound of people yelling and thumps of the ground.

He saw two teens. The redhead who helped him at school, and the other boy in the Wayne family.

He noticed that Dick misstepped and Barbara quickly, flipped the boy on his back, the air rushed out of his lungs in a loud whoosh.

He groaned, "Jesus, Babs you win. You definitely win.." Barbara noticed Bruce entering and got off the training matts.

"Hey Bruce is Jason oka-" Her words trailed off, she noticed the red haired boy lagging behind Alfred. "Jason..." She paused, before she turned toward Bruce. She stared at the man.

And Bruce said nothing. And Barbara slowly deflated, then turned toward Jason, staring at him with a solemn look. "I'll see you at school Jason."

She grabbed her duffel and her towel and left. Leaving Jason, Bruce and Alfred.

"Prep the first aid kit Al. Jason's going to need it." Bruce said.


Bruce nodded as Jason came down from his quick snack. It had been a few months into his training that Bruce noticed that Jason didn't have Richard's natural athleticism.

He had anger, anger that had seeped into his veins and churned in the pits of his stomach. And Bruce used that.

Exploited it to mold Jason into someone who can channel that anger into something productive than committing crimes.

And then Jason seemed to glow with a sort of aura that Bruce didn't want to extinguish. The boy was a different person on the streets. He trusted his instincts and his anger.

Jason turned to look at Bruce, "When's backup coming?"

With the cowl on, Bruce turned, "Backup? What backup?"

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