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Chapter 1


I wake up at the sound of my alarm alerting me for today's meeting. I groan and trudge towards the shower, hoping the water will wake me up. I fumble with the taps before stepping out of the sweats and boxers I had on that night. I step into the warm stream of water and begin washing my hair. Today, we had our first meeting as a band, One Direction, again about the Made In The A.M Tour. Our hiatus was over, and we were coming back, just as we had promised. I cannot wait to see everyone again, sure, it's nice doing solo work, but nothing will ever beat working together as a group. I had missed the lads a lot, they were all pretty busy, I mean, I was too, looking after Freddie (A/N- in this story, Freddie is Louis's son but he is not dating Danielle, I have nothing against her, but she doesn't fit in the story). Luckily Brianna was understanding about the whole tour thing, and we had made arrangements for it.

I get out of the shower, dry my hair off with the towel and go to get dressed for the day. I just end up throwing on some skinny jeans and an Adidas jumper, pulling on my Vans and heading downstairs for a cup of tea and some breakfast. While the kettle is boiling, I make some cereal, then when the kettle is done, a cup of tea. I sit near the window, looking at the impressive view from my LA home. I munch on the cereal quietly, nerves slowly building inside of me, what is the spark isn't there like before, what if everyone has changed too much and we won't get on the same, are they gonna judge me about Freddie, do they still all like me? Questions swirl around my head like water running down a sink. I feel tears line my eyes just thinking about us not being best mates still. I calm down, telling myself that I am just over-thinking things and everything is going to go fine today. I finish my breakfast and then head out to my car, locking the door behind me.

On the drive in, I try not to worry about what might happen today, I focus on the road and try not to worry about how this meeting is going to today. I pull into the studio car park, but don't get out. It's like my chest is being sat on and I feel like I can't breathe. I rest my head on the steering wheel, I am seeing my best mates in the world, so why is this so hard to do. I have known these boys for 6 years now, but something is holding me back from heading in. My confidence is gone, have I gained weight, oh jeez, they have all toned up but I have only gained, they are going to think I'm just lazy. My mind is spinning out of control with worry. A few tears slide down my face. I don't think I saw anyone else's car parked around the place. 'Right, Louis get yourself together here' I think. I take a few deep breaths, wipe my eyes dry and hop out of the car, feeling like I probably could faint or puke from the amount of anxiety running around my body. I walk the 10ish meters to the doors and head inside.


Hey guys, so this is my first fanfic, just to clarify

-In no way do I think Louis feels this way about the band getting together

-I do not think Louis is fat, he is absolutely perfect, this is just for story purposes ONLY

-Yes, I do think Freddie is Louis's (no hate plz) It was an accident and he is trying his best (can't say the nicest things about Brianna though)

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