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Niall P.O.V

As me and Louis are having lunch together, I notice he is a little distant, like he is thinking about something. I hope he isn't stressing about the whole Briana drama; he doesn't deserve that. Sussan brings our food and places the sandwiches on the table.

"Thank you" Louis and I say in sync with each other. I laugh and he at least cracks a smile.

"Lou, you sure there is nothing up mate?" I ask again, where's the normal, cheeky, loud Tommo that we are used to.

"Yeah, just Briana and that." He says

"Louis, I know it must be tough for you, having that she-devil restrict you from seeing your child, but, try not to let it get to you, okay, she will have to let you see him soon, before we get too busy, surely she understands that" I say, in an effort to try and consolidate him.

"You think so?"

"I know so Tommo, no one can be that cruel not to let them see their own child."

"Thanks Ni"

"Anytime, now let's eat."

We have lunch together, keeping a light conversation going. I don't press the issue of Louis being distant. We finish lunch together and then decide to head our separate ways.

"This was nice Tommo; I'll see you tomorrow" I say as stand by our cars.

"Bye Neil."

"Bye Lewis."

He laughs and we head off. I drive back to my place with a smile on my face. Why am I so happy, maybe just seeing the lads again put me in a good mood, yes, that's probably why. I park my car in the driveway, knowing I have to go to the studio in the morning. Once I was inside, I grab a bottle of water and settle down to watch some football for the afternoon. There won't be many days left where I can just relax. I loose myself in the game. It was about 5 o'clock when my phone buzzes.

From Lima: hey, did you notice Louis today

So Liam noticed Lou was a little, no, a lot quieter than usual today in the studio. He hardly cracked a joke, annoyed anyone or did anything like our normal Louis. Maybe the whole baby thing really put him down for the day.

To Lima: yeah, he wasn't himself, maybe it was the whole baby thing

From Lima: yeah, that's probably it, did he say anything to you during lunch?

To Lima: no, he was distant but when I asked, he didn't say anything

From Lima: okay, see you tomorrow

To Lima: see ya

I close my phone and then start on something for dinner.


When I get home, I just go up to bed. Why am I feeling like this? Niall is my best mate; I cannot have any feelings towards him. Today has been so stressful, with Briana and then Niall looking like that. I decide to message Briana and see if she can drop Freddie off at the studio tomorrow so he can spend the night at least with me.

To Briana: Hey, would you be able to drop Freddie off at the studio tomorrow around five so I can spend some time with him

I don't have to wait long before there is a reply

From Briana: no Louis, he actually needs to be looked after, if you are busy, who's going to do that, huh, you didn't think of that. I won't drop him off, you message me when you actually aren't working for once

The nerve of this chick. Does she not understand that without me working, she would not have half of the stuff that she does now, she wanted money for child support, and I have to work to earn that money. This is too much to handle, with Freddie, Briana, work and Niall...I can't help the tears that slip out of my eyes. Briana can't keep me from seeing Freddie, he is my son too and I have a right to see him. Can she not understand that soon, I am going to be ridiculously busy, I know how much work we will have to put in for a successful tour, and that will mean long hours and heaps of travel, right now, I do have time to see Freddie, and I said at 5, which is when we are supposed to knock off, so he would be with me at night. Does she not think I am capable of looking after my own child. And that's how I fall asleep, stressed, worried and confused.


Hey, so again, this is a work of fiction, I am not saying Briana is like this in real life, I have never met her, so I can not judge her. 

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