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After the meeting was finished, we all head back outside

"So, see you lads here at eight then" Liam says

"I guess so" I say

"Well, I have to go, meeting Gem for coffee soon." Harry says. Gemma must be over with work or something. We say our goodbyes and he heads off.

"I should get going too, Cheryl wants me to do some grocery shopping, see you tomorrow lads." Liam says

"Alright, bye mate." Niall says

Liam heads back to his car and drives off.

"I guess that leaves you and me Tommo" Niall says with his trademark smile.

"I guess so."

"Wanna do anything mate, go grab some lunch or something?" He asks.

"Sounds good." I answer. I have missed just hanging out with the lads like old times, so having a casual lunch with Niall sounds good, plus I have nothing else to do and no one else to hang out with.

"Great, let's go."

We walk down to a little café, near the studio, we usually go there if there is time for lunch.

"So, excited for another tour?" Niall asks

"Of course, I can't wait, get to go to all the places again." I say, cause its true, I can't wait to go on another tour with my three best mates again, see the world, perform in front of thousands again.

"I think this is going to be our best tour yet." Niall says


We head into the café and sit by the window

"Hi boys, I'm Sussan and I'll be your waiter today." A middle aged lady says to us.

"Can I start you with drinks?" She asks.

"I'll have a water, Lou, what do you want?" Niall asks me.

"Oh, umm, a water too please." I quickly say. I was completely zoned out there. I love the way 'Lou' rolls off Niall's tongue. Wait, what! Why am I thinking like that, must be all that talking in the meeting, too much for me poor brain.

"What are you thinking about having Louis?" Niall asks me

"Um, this chicken club sandwich sounds alright, you?" I ask him

"I was actually looking at the same thing." His famous laugh sounds out and rings in my ears.

"Here you are boys" Says Sussan as she sets our drinks down on the table.

"Can I take your orders now?"

"We'll both have the chicken club sandwich please, right Lou?" Niall confirms.

"Yeah, please." I say.

"Okay, they will be out soon." Sussan says before heading towards the kitchen.

"You right Lou, you seem a little distant?" Niall asks, with a look on concern on his face.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just didn't sleep great last night." I say

"You sure mate, you know you can talk to us or me about anything."

"Yeah, thanks." I say. I can't tell him how beautifully blue his eyes look in this lighting, or how cute is was he did my order for me, or, or how much I love hearing his laugh. I don't know where all these feelings are coming from. I mean, I know that I am attracted to both guys and girls, but I think now, having this break, not being pressured by management to have a girlfriend, I think I may be leaning more towards guys. When we were first put together on the X-Factor, I kept it a secret that I am bisexual, because I didn't want to be judged by the other boys. But when Simon signed us, our management team found out, and told me that I should only date girls. Then a few years later I hooked up secretly with a guy, no one knows, not even the boys, but somehow management found out and let me tell you, they were not happy at all. They called it disgusting and horrendous that I would sleep with someone of the same gender. That's when they made me sign a contract stating that I couldn't publically date any males. I went home and cried for hours on end. We always encourage our fans to be themselves and there I was, signed a fucking contract stating I can't date guys. I shake those horrid memories from my head and get back to talking with Niall as we wait for our lunch


Hey guys, so just to clarify that I am not saying Louis has hooked up with a guy, or signed any contracts, I made this up for the story ONLY.

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