Bury Me In Memory

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Lousie's POV
My breathing echoed in my ears as the sound of footsteps grew louder behind me.
The only reason I came out was to look for certain vampires, but now they're all looking for me.
I'd been bait before but not like this, not when I knew I had no backup.
The steady footsteps grew closer as I dashed into a derelict building trying to find somewhere to hide.
The sound of my heartbeat seemed to reverberate through the empty room, there was no way I could hide from them.
"Little girly, we can smell you, we can hear you. The sound of all that blood pumping through those delicious veins."
I heard a snarling voice from outside accompanied by venomous laughter.
I gripped my swords tightly and got ready to run.
The laughter rose until it was like a chant, and that was when I decided to run.
The laughter stopped but I didn't notice until I ran straight into a vampire.
"Hello delicious."
He grinned showing his bright white fangs as he snapped my sword.
I tried to run but he grabbed my wrist and sunk his fangs into my vein.
Screaming, I tried to yank my arm away but more vampires crowded around my arm and pierced my skin with their needle like fangs.
My vision grew black and my hearing turned fuzzy as my legs gave out from the blood loss.
The last thing I saw before passing out was dark black eyes.

*Time Skip*

I opened my eyes and immediately wished I hadn't as I saw bright lights which  illuminated the room making my vision blurry.
I groaned and held my head in my hands as it started spinning, wait why wasn't I dead?
I looked up and saw a large warehouse like room with a balcony overlooking where I was laying, great a vampire den.
A vampire strode out of the shadows holding what looked like a blood bag, great I'm going to be strung up and drained.
I tried to stand but my legs gave way and I collapsed back to the floor as the figure reached me.
I looked up apprehensively but was shocked to see someone who i had presumed dead for 3 years.


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