We Are Alive, Here In Death Valley

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Andy's POV

I woke up to darkness and the soft sound of sobbing coming from next to me. I tried to sit up to see if Patrick was ok but found that I was chained by my hands and feet so had to move back until I was resting against the wall.
"Patrick, how are you?"
I asked softly, not wanting to startle him but he had already began to lean on my shoulder.
"First they kill Pete and Joe, probably Lou as well, now we're waiting here to die, or worse..."
Patrick trailed off as he buried his head further into my shoulder as I tried to hug him but failed due to the chains. I tried to tug them off but it was no use, we'd just have to wait for our deaths. I sighed and closed my eyes as I leant back against the damp wall, a small drop of blood running down my bruised face.

There was a massive gathering of Vampires and with us being the closest hunters we gathered our weapons and headed out. But this felt different to a normal hunt and I couldn't shake that feeling of apprehension settling in my stomach. I looked at Joe and Pete who were sitting silently in the front, even they knew something wasn't right. Patrick and Louise had stayed behind to continue their experiments in finding a cure but somehow I knew the apprehensive feelings were to do with them. Pushing them aside I grabbed my swords and got out of the car as we headed towards the spiralling towers of the Maligno mansion. I followed Pete and Joe into the shadowed corridor sticking close together as the adrenaline and fear flowed through me, heightening my senses as the darkness turned into a grey tint. Turning the corner my breathing became more erratic as the huddled forms of Louise and Patrick lay chained up, bloodied and bruised, in the corner whilst a sea of vampires crowded around a shredded body. I ran over to the Stump's whilst Pete and Joe stupidly charged towards the Vampires swords raised as anger burnt in their eyes. It was too late to try and fight against the never ending wave of Vampires pouring out from the cracks of the house as I dragged Patrick away from the heap of vampires crowded on top of Pete's fallen body. I took one last look into the blood bath as I heard Joe's screams of "ANDY" and the orbs of salty sadness and blue heartbreak fell from my eyes.

Patrick huddled closer to my side as sound of approaching vampires echoed down the dark corridors. He never wanted to fight, even after they kidnapped him and Louise and made them watch the torture and draining of innocents.
"Now your friend is awake we'll have some fun now, how about that Stump? Do you remember our little game from last time."
One of the vampires snarled whilst I was unchained and Patrick struggled against the cold metal in distress.
He murmured softly like all his resolve had crumbled into fragments of pain.
"Enjoy the show! Have your fun but don't kill him, bosses orders."
The Vampire in charge sneered as he disappeared back down the caliginous hallway.
Patrick tried to curl up in a ball as the vampires spread out and circled me whilst two restrained me from behind. They clasped an array of blunt knives and baseball bats and I finally realised why Patrick was so afraid, the best way to hurt him is to hurt his family and the Vampires knew that.

Third Person POV

Patrick tried to turn away as the vampires slowly began to slice into Andy's tattooed skin using blunt knives to ensure it hurt. He couldn't face the expression of fear and pain on Andy's face as he breathed out a jagged "I'm so sorry." Between arduous gasps. Andy's blood never had time to hit the mouldy ground as it was lapped up by crimson tongues flicking between chalky fangs.

The emotional and physical torment went on for hours, or was it days? There was no way to keep track of time as Patrick eventually passed out from exhaustion and Andy was finally left alone for his wounds to heal. Using all the energy he had left he lay listening to the Vampires conversations but what he would hear was about to make the situation a whole lot worse.
What he would hear was just two words and those words were "Joe Trohman"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2017 ⏰

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