Chapter 1: "Beautiful" Night

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(Wing's POV)

I took a look at the text message he sent me a while ago, and took another sip of the beer in my hands. My phone was on the petite table, its screen read: "I like someone else. I'm sorry. Let's break up."

Why is he doing this to me? I asked myself. I chugged the bottle down, extinguishing the raging fire within me. I should've known when my boyfriend - *ahem* - ex-boyfriend was avoiding me for almost a week now. He was a jerk, always commenting on my lack of femininity (like others I know), and now it was probably his reason on dumping me.

I put my empty bottle down, and saw someone who was also as lonely as me. He saw me look at him, then set the bottle in his hands on the table, and walked towards me. That was the last thing I remembered from that night. 

And so I woke up the next morning in a large, king-sized bed, my head pounding like crazy. I looked at the unfamiliar surroundings around me. Where am I? Something shifted in the covers next to me, and I watched wide-eyed as a brown head popped out. He was a young boy with a beautiful and flawless face. His hands rubbed his small, cute Asian eyes with his soft hands, then he blinked and stared at me (like I did with him) with them. We stared at each other, then looked under the covers. When I saw my nude body, I screamed at the top of my lungs and held the blankets close to my chest, my immediate reaction was to accuse him of whatever happened last night. He screamed back, and before we realized it, we were both screaming our heads off until I knocked him half-out with my fist. 

(Taemin's POV) 

I rubbed my eyes and stared at the lady who sat beside me in bed. She had short, black hair that wasn't even at the length of her sharp, v-shaped chin, but it made her look charming and charismatic. Her face was enhanced with makeup. Why does she still avec makeup on when she's in bed? Wait... In bed? I looked under the blankets at the same time as her, and she screamed. Alerted and surprised by her high, piercing shriek, I screamed with her. Then, she randomly punched me! What did I do to deserve that punch? And why was she in the same bed as me?

My nose was bleeding, and I tried wiping the blood off my face.

"What are you doing?" I asked her, still dabbing my hand to my bloody nose. 

She held a blanket close to her body as she scrambled off the bed, pointing an accusing finger at me, "T-that's what I should be asking you. What are you doing here in this... this BED?" She sent me a life-threatening glare with her deep, dark brown eyes. "What happened to us two last night? Did you try anything?"

I flushed, "N-no... What could I possibly try on you?"

She threw a pillow at me, "STOP BLUSHING, YOU PERVERT!

Ouch, that hurt...

"I don't know who you are, or what you were trying to do, but I want you to leave this room immediately - WITH YOUR CLOTHES!"

"Arasseo," I replied, snatching my clothes and putting my pants back on. 

"NOW!!" She threw another pillow. I dodged the flying object within the hotel room, but more attacked me. I ran for my life, heading to the wooden, shiny door that was within my reach. I didn't want to leave the room shirtless, with only my boxers (that were decorated with yellow, adorable ducks) on, but she pushed me out the doorway. I pounded on the door, begging her to let me back into the room.

"Yah! Please! Let me in! I promise I didn't do anything to you last night! Just let me in!" A crowd was forming, and people giggled at my underwear. The girl opened the door just wide and quick enough to throw a thick, white blanket to me. I blushed and covered my body with the gift, putting my clothes back on under the sheet. I called my manager-hyung to come and pick me up, and we escaped the herd of humans. 

"Aishh... Taemin-ah, what have you got yourself into?" he asked, closing the door to the van.

"I don't know. I was really drunk last night, and when I woke up, there was a girl beside me, unclothed as much as I was, and then she kicked me out of the room. She seemed angry..."

My hyung just chuckled and started the car. "Oh, by the way, your new bodyguard is coming tomorrow. Rumour says that she's a killer, kills with her fists. She seems nice and trustworthy, so I'm sure you wont have to worry about those sasaeng fans anymore." 

I touched my nose (that still stung from the punch), and mumbled, "I hope she's gentler than her..."


(*A/N: Sasaeng: Crazy, stalker, obsessive fans that aren't really considered as "fans".

Anyways, I hope you liked this chapter! I will be spending a lot more time on this fanfic than the other SHINee one, because I basically have the whole plot and story line for it. Please comment and support me! Thanks!~)

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