Chapter 4: Just a Misunderstanding

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(Wing's POV)

"I would like you to be part of SM Entertainment."

I laughed. Taemin forced a laugh, then we both started laughing hysterically. I cut the laugh by slamming my hands on the table. I shot up, "What did you say?" Taemin stared at me and tugged at my sleeve, signaling me to calm down and sit back down. 

"I would like you to be part of our agency," he repeated calmly.

"I am part of your agency. I work for you, right?" I laughed forcefully.

"No, I actually want you as an artist of our agency. I noticed you for awhile, and I'm sure that you are the next star that I've been searching for. Sure, you may need a little work on your, erhm... Femininity, but don't worry, we're capable of that. You just need to say yes."

I was left speechless... Me, as an idol?

"Another thing. I'm aware that the makeover will be a bit of a challenge, but you will have the help of many others. Taemin, that's where you come in. I want you to be Wing's trainer for the first few weeks of her training."

"WHAT???" we both cried.

(Taemin's POV) 

"Why me?" I complained. There were a lot of other people that could take my role. Why did it have to be me? I was sure that I'd probably get killed by Wing before I even manage to teach her the basic manners!

"Well, you seem like you're the closest to Wing, so I thought it'd be a good idea for you to train her just for the start."

"But I'm a guy," I explained, "And I truly believe that a girl would be more suiting to train a girl about femininity." Wing nodded.

"I know, I know. I considered about that point, but I don't want a female artist teaching her, because I'm afraid that Wing will become just like a copy or a clone of the artist. What good is two of the same exact artist? That's why I thought of you. It'd be easy, just teach her how to become your ideal type, or at least like a normal lady - no offense to you, Wing."

"It's not going to be easy to train her. Have you seen this girl? She acts like a man, for God's sake!" I turned my rosary ring just to remind myself to try and strain from using God's name.

"HEY! WHO ACTS LIKE A MAN?" Wing snapped as she snatched a pencil from Lee Soo Man's pencil holder, holding it high in the air like a knife. I gulped. This lady was definitely not the person to be messing with.

(Wing's POV)

"Woah, there, Wing. Put the pencil down," Lee Soo Man soothed. I lowered the pencil, but my grip was still tight. His eyes reflected the fear in him, and I felt a tiny bit guilty, as if I drowned his pet goldfish.

"See what I mean?" the idiot asked as if it was a fact. The anger returned.

"What do you mean, you idiot? For a matter of fact, I don't want to cooperate with you as much as you do, you perverted-minded freak!" 


"Oh, don't you act so innocent around me, Lee Taemin. Remember that time at the hotel? I don't even know what you did to me on that bed! Then, you go around flashing yourself to me in those changing rooms! Do you actually think that people want to see your skinny, bony body, you self-absorbed jerk?" I crushed the pencil with one hand.

Taemin gasped, "I did not do anything to you, tomboy Wing! And don't think that you're pretty enough to attract people to flash themselves to you! You were the one who charged in while I was changing!"


"Uh, guys? I'm sorry to interrupt, but I would like to advise you to not tell anyone that wasn't in this room about what you guys were just talking about, and, uh... to talk quietly." Lee Soo Man embarrassingly commented, pointing to the rooms next door, "Also, what hotel were you guys talking about?"

"Red Rose Hotel, beside the pub," Taemin replied, looking at the opposite direction from me.

"I think I can help clear the misunderstanding here, if there is one, of course. You see, that hotel records whatever happened in the rooms, but aren't allowed to leak any information to any outsiders. It's illegal. We can just retrieve that tape and then all this will be clear as water."

"Then let's go," Taemin chimed. We all went to the Red Rose Hotel to clarify what happened that night, and then we saw it. It was a video of me and Taemin. We entered the room together, drunk as hell.

"You're so bony! Where are your muscles?" I heard myself giggle for the first time. Boy, am I scary when I'm drunk.

"What about you? Where are your curves? I have more curves than you!" Taemin laughed as he did the Juliette move on the bed. His face was as red as the one recorded on the video.

"SO? At least I have muscles!" I took off my jacket and flexed my arms, "See? I'm so muscular." I deepened my voice.

"Omo. So sexy," he laughed and bent his head backwards.

"Thank you," I took a bow. "Thank you to my only one female fan over here." We both flopped onto the bed, and fell asleep right away. The tape witnessed that we never touched each other until morning came.

"Then why were we both naked?" Taemin asked, scratching his head.

"Do you both have the habit of sleeping naked?" Lee Soo Man asked.

We nodded slowly. Oh, so that's why we were naked. We must've took our own clothes off in our sleep, and awakened with a great misunderstanding.

I blushed and faced Taemin, "I'm sorry for blaming you..."

"It's okay. Sorry for calling you manly... Wanna call it a truce?" 

He stuck his hand out, and I slapped it with a smile, "Just for now, girly-face."

"Sure thing, tomboy."

"Okay, then. It's decided. Taemin, you are now Wing's trainer. Boy, I'm excited to see another artist debut," he walked out of the room.

"WAIT, LEE SOO MAN-SSI! I HAVEN'T AGREED TO THAT YET!" I yelled, racing after him. 

(Taemin's POV)

I laughed a little when I saw her rush out of the room. Boy, it's going to be tiring trying to teach this gal some manners, I sighed in my head. Still, I was glad things got clarified with her, and I finally lost my reputation as a pervert. 

I went after her, a bit worried that she'd get into trouble. "Yah! Watch out for cars on the road!" I shouted.

Aish, these are going to be some loong weeks for me...

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