Chapter 6: Only Just a Friend

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(Wing's POV)

I skipped happily to the pub, knowing that Taemin will be there with his hyungs. I don't know when it all started, but I'm seriously starting to get along with that jerk. As I pulled open the large, glass door, the loud, party music punched me in the face. I stepped inside, trying to adapt to my surroundings. In no time, I spotted the girly-face, sitting and laughing with Jonghyun, Key, Minho, and Onew oppa.

"Yah! I heard that you're training lil' Wing, right, Taeminnie?" Minho nudged. I blushed and smiled shyly. No one has ever called me "li'l Wing" before. It was usually "Elephant Wing" or "Tomboy Wing" or plain, old, "Gamine".

"Yeah, I was actually quite surprised I wasn't killed yet by that tomboy."

"I bet you enjoyed that!~ You seem to get quite along with Wing. Do you like her?" Jonghyun nudged the maknae.

"Wh-what? What are you talking about? I'd never like such a non-feminine girl like her!" he defended. The smile that curled on my lips slowly vanished and I walked away.

(Taemin's POV)

"Hey, isn't that Wing?" Onew pointed out to a figure that was heading to the door. I looked immediately. No, it can't be. But I caught a glimpse of the girl, and it was, indeed, Wing. I rushed out the door to chase after her. Luckily enough, I ended up being able to catch up to her. I grabbed her hand to explain myself.

"Wing, it isn't what you think. I can explain," I began, trying to get her to face me. She finally did, but there was a huge, forced smile on her face.

"What do you mean? I don't get what you're saying... I really need to go home now. I'm sorry, Taemin. See you later!" she slipped her hand away from mine and waved, turning around to leave. I hoped it was just me, but I could swear I saw her wipe a tear from her eye.

I went back to the pub and Jongin was there, talking and laughing with Minho-hyung. When I sat down and chugged my beer down, Kai put his arm around my shoulder and teased, "Yah, what's wrong, hyung? I heard from Minho that you're troubled by a woman. Is it Krystal? Huh?"

Minho helped me answer his question, "Nawhhh, it's Wing. You know, our new and ex-bodyguard?"

"Ahh, that chick," commented Jongin just to get on my nerves. I nudged him in the gut and he laughed. Oh yeah, Krystal's coming back to Seoul in a few days... I thought as I opened another can.

The next day, I went to work, still unsure if Wing was upset about what I said or if she really didn't hear it. But when I arrived at the SM building, Wing was already in one of the studios, practicing her song. I took a seat outside and listened to her off-pitch singing. The singing instructor-noona was not in a good mood, yelling at her and scolding her whenever she was off-tune. I felt a sting in my heart whenever Wing bowed down and apologized to the noona, promising her that she'll do better. I wanted to barge in the room and defend her, but how would Wing feel? I didn't want her to misunderstand me again, thinking that I think that she's incapable of handling the harsh training. The only thing I could do was sit back down and give her support from the outside. I had to laugh in certain parts, though, like when she couldn't pronounce "Ice Queen" and ended up saying "Ice Cream" instead. Instructor-noona spotted me laughing, and motioned me to go in the room. I reluctantly entered, and she asked me why I was laughing so hard.

"Erh... It's just because I found it funny how Wing pronounced 'Ice Cream' instead of 'Ice Queen'..." I scratched the back of my head.

"Then how about you try?" she handed me the lyric sheet. "Go ahead. Sing."

I cleared my throat, "Oegwan eseo , naneun Ice Cream doel su-"

Wing looked at me and burst out laughing. "Hah! You said 'Ice Cream' as well!"

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