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WHAT DO I WRITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I dunno


"HEY YOU!!!!" TOMY shouted at random passerby. "WANNA BUY A RESTERAUNT?!?!?????!????" The random passerby looked like a giraffe but peanut-buttery. Deal with it. The giraffe said sure and Tomy sold his resteraunt. His resteraunt said to him "I HATE YOU WHERE IS YOUR RESTERUNCLE?!??!!!" ONLY SMART PEEPS KNOWWWWW. anyway so Tomy said bai to his resteraunt and ran across the street and immediately bought the pet store with the money he just earned. He also bought a flying Segway. Tomy watched as the sign above his resteraunt got erased by Haley and replaced with JIFFF. Cool. The giraffe was his first customer. He bought weasel with a narwhal hat named Creepy Hat Weasel. The weasel imeadiately went bruin in his arms because giraffes have arms but the giraffe snuggled him and took him home and then THE  YOLanda came in and dropped THE YOLAnda off for daycare even though there was no daycare but whatever and there's no such thing as starting a new sentance so shut up and bye.


What song do I not know ~Jayme wanna read it

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