The question

12 1 1

Five months later

"Finally!" I yelled after finishing Editting Adams video and got up from my chair to stretch. Lucky Adam told us that he wanted us to not work so hard today so pretty much everyone had the afternoon free.

As soon as I almost got to the stairs, someone yells my name. I turn to see Max panting a little

"Oh, what's up max" he looks away from me and says "um, do you want to go on a date with me" he says nervously

I blush after he said that, you see, I have a crush on Max ever since two months ago and I never knew that he would ever ask me that question.

On the inside I was like 'OMG YES YES YES YES YESSSSSSSSS, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH' but what I really said was"Uhh, Sure why not" trying not to freak out.

"Great! I'll pick you up at nine!" He said while running off.

I couldn't believe it....... I was going on a date with the Mithzan........ this was the best day of my life

Sorry that it's short but hey! At least it's something! Also thank you for the support skygamingpro225


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