Pool party!!! part 2

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Alica carefully put Mason's floaties on him and put sunscreen on his skin to get him ready for the pool

"Please just keep him safe" Alica said giving me Mason

" I promise I won't let him get hurt" "thanks, I would take him but I'm busy with the food and Adam is busy making sure everyone is alright"

"Don't worry about it! Besides, I love hanging out with him" I said going outside "Pool! Pool!" He said excitedly

Luckily, I could use Mason as a excuse to not swim near the deep end, well I have a secret, I can't swim and I have never told anyone so, me and him can stay in the other end of the pool (if you can swim, sorry, in this story you can't)

While swimming and playing with the water Max joined us and we were just splashing water and having fun

"Okay everyone! It's time for cake and desserts! Also, the game is about to start!!!" (Pretend a famous game playoff or whatever is about to start)

Everyone cheered and got ready to go inside

"Here, I saw that you didn't get towels" Max said giving me two towels

"Oh, thanks Max, I must have forgotten to get them" "no prob" he said

"But....I don't wanna go inside" Mason said in a sad tone

"It's okay, we'll get in later" "but I wanna be in the pool right now...."

"Mason, it's okay, we can get in later" I said while taking off his flotes and raping a towel around him "okay....."

He walked inside and Max walked to me "what happened?" "Mason didn't want to get out of the pool, luckily he cooperated" I said the Max gave me a random kiss on the cheek

"So you like kids a lot?" "Yeah! Buuuuuut, I still love you" giving him a hug

"Let's ​go inside, don't want them to start without us" "alright"

We walked in and everyone was gathered around the table were the cake was at

Adam stood up on his chair " I'd like to say, thank you to everyone who could join us, I wanted to make this awesome party for you guys for supporting me and each other these few years and I also would like to say that,"

He kept on talking but then I realized, where's Mason?!

I frantically looked around and I saw the most horrifying thing in the world


Without his floties

Near the deep end

Getting ready to jump into the water.......

Yup, a cliffhanger​, why? ....... honestly I don't know why, but anyway! Thanks you guys for the support, yes I will make another part, don't murder me and I'll see y'all later!


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