Chap 73

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"Im here to visit zayn jawaad malik" i congratulated myself mentally that i was able to pronounce his name again without breaking

"Your id please" he ordered . I pulled it up from my purse and handed it to him . "You can go" he handed me a small paper and i walked inside

They took my bag and my phone and made sure to check everything i had before they led me into a small room

The room consisted of two chairs and a table in the middle . The walls were painted grey and it was so cold .

I wonder how cold he feels here , if they even bother to bring them blankets , i wonder if hes okay , if hes getting into fights inside

I wonder how he feels right now , locked up in some four walls that tell him he's guilty , that make him feel like one

I looked around me and wondered how can i put the guy i ever first loved in here? How much bravery and sacrifice did it cost me?

Who was i really sacrifying for? Me or karlie?

As i heard footsteps approach , i felt the need to be swallen by the floor underneath me . Hes probably out the room right now , with a guard on his side holding his hands and leading his way

Hes just this close to me and ive never felt the need to smile and cry at the same time like right now

I felt my legs begin shaking again once the door was now open . I looked carefully at it ,waiting for his figure to come inside the room by now

Wondering if im ready to see him , wondering how hard and bad this is going to be?thats if hes ever going to agree to talk to the person inside this room , me.

I took a deep breath once i examined his face . I couldnt help my whole body from shaking now ,my heart was shaking all alone inside my chest

His beard has grown a lot since the last time ive seen him and so did his hair . He had some large bags under his eyes , his face pale like never

His eyebrows were furrowned as he stood completely frozen once he saw me . We both kept staring at eachother as we both wondered what the other is feeling right now

I can tell how tired he seems , physically and mentally , he looks bad , sad and if he just lost everything in life

"Y-you?" I closed my eyes once i heard his voice again , thinking how much i missed it . "Yes" it took all the courage in me to talk to him , i feel weak

He shook his head and knocked on the door , so the guard opens the door for him and let him out . "Dont" i got up immediately

"Please dont" my voice now became shaky too as my throat became sore and my tongue tied up

He looked at me one more time , looking in my eyes , and it just brought me to the last time we ever saw eachother

When he yelled and said 'i hate you' right in my eyes , what is he going to say this time thats going to tear me up?

He got inside and sat down in the chair facing me . I took a deep breath and just looked at him , taking mental pictures , so much of them so i wont miss him again

"Why?" Was all the words he got to say to break the silence . "Why didnt you ask me from the begining about karlie? Why didnt you give me a chance to explain myself? Why did you assume i was guilty? After everything , how could you?" He didnt even look at me , he looked down at his hands

"Zayn i-" he interrupted me . "You've said and done a lot . Now is my turn" he nodded his head

"You put kendall , her stepdad in prison" he started . "Im thankful for that even though you didnt do it for me"

"I shouldnt be talking to you right now , you know?" He slowly lifted his head up to look at me again

"But im hoping this is the last time i see your face so im making sure i say everything ive kept inside the past two months" he grinned his teeth at me , with hatred and anger

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