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        Dancing for what seemed like an eternity the music finally stopped and everyone left the dance floor one after the other. 

'' I think the music as been stopped'' Diana said, bringing her hands down from Alex's neck,  taking full notice of His shoulder blades strongly angled.

Immediately he made a release on her body she practically left his presence in a dash.

   He watched her with enthusiasm as she walked towards her friend, he guessed, Alex eyes fell on Ryan as he spurred around to go to his father instead he moved in to Ryan's direction, he smirked at him quite oblivious of his frowned face as he made his way towards him.

''What's with you?'' Alex asked almost immediately he stopped right in front of Ryan.

    Ryan flummoxed by his question only grinned at him, walking away before Alex could even asked what the hell just happened.

    Tired of getting information been pumped out of his people about Ryan. Alex developed the strategy of staying on the move.

He had gathered his information about Ryan from Rachel his father's Secretary. From her he had learnt that Ryan is basically one of the longest working staff of his Father.

Ryan a tall,wide shouldered and tanned, a cap of black hair and the liveliest, most wickedly dancing blue-green eyes. He possess an ageless aristocratic beauty to him that held women bemused, staring at him helpless. This had been the perfect description Rachel had given him, but as it seems, true indeed.

     Taking in all what Rachel had said he clutched his single drink of the evening in his hands, taking tiny sips and trying enough to absorb the alcohol before it could get to his head and get drunk, which is the last thing on his mind presently.

  ''I was wondering if you could give the closing speech'' His father whispered in to his ear, a few minutes later, startling him.

He took took the drink from his father's hand, drank it and replaced it with a tall Glass with red wine and a fork been passed around by one of the waiters.

Bink....bink..... Alex softly tapped his glass with a fork, to draw people's attention. With this all the guest turned to him.

He raised his drink up in a toast like gesture and began with his address

'' Its been a long night, I want to use this opportunity to thank you all for been here, you probably had something else to do but then you took your time to be here for me to honour me and most importantly to welcome me to the company, thank you all so much'' 

searching for Diana he continued as he finally laid his eyes on her.

'' I really do hope we can keep things together and keep things hopping in the company, not only that but as well enjoy it while at it'' he said emphasizing on the enjoyment part which made the people smile

'' let's make a toast then people, to success and productivity'' . He concluded finally.

With this Alex winked at Diana but she only looked away embarrassed and flustered as to how she was going to work with him when there is so much attraction between them waiting to let go giving not a care or whatsoever in the world  as to what that means!!!!.


'' Father,  I love that lady"  Alex told his father later that evening.

Basically he had not been able to take his mind off her during the cocktail party and through out the drive home.

His mind, his brain had been filled with the thoughts of Diana Blume, how pretty she was, how bloody beautiful she is! So subtle, so understated, that one would have to really look to see how pure and classic her soul and face is. He surely had seen her face glowing with beauty at the party.

  His father smiled at him wryly

'' Don't be'' he stated clearly

'' I know.... You won't allow the likes of her to be mine, am well aware you want me to marry Natasha Cordell.....'' Alex began but stopped to start another ''Cordell'' Alex stated disbelieving as he looked at his father aghast.

'' I have not even seen this girl  before  father and you want us to get married?'' Alex questioned in vague.

To this his father only replied unequivocally '' The marriage is not now, just wanted you to know about it now, that's all, it's an arranged business which can take place any time from now as you are of age already''  Twenty four was off  age enough for his father.

His father completed as he made his way into the large room before him in a tenacious gesture not waiting for his son agreement or other wise over his decision.

   Alex just stood in the room, looking on as his Father left him to take in what he just said, he stood there for what seemed like eternity.

In one short day he'd run the entire gamut of emotions to despair. His mind reeled from the experience, but one thing was for sure, was certain, from now, on beyond all doubt, his life would be very different.

He knew it was to early to fall in love with Diana as he barely know her, but he knew what he felt.

  He would be damned if he allowed his father to dictate to him as to who to love and who not to!!

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