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  Thank God the next day was a Saturday. Alex woke up late, as he slept late the night before, he spent the night with thoughts of Diana before he finally retired to go to sleep. His dream was as well filled with Diana.

At that realization he knew he had to something about Diana, with that thought he rose lazily from his king size bed that was now in disray due to his tossing and turning last night.

  He was going to ask her out one more time and he hope as hell she doesn't turn him down. He strolled to his kitchen to make a cup of coffee. The kitchen was lit up even almost brighter than an hospital surgical room. Granted.

As he made to take a sip out of his coffee, the doorbell rang and he stood up to answer the summon. It was his friend more of like a brother to him now because they go way back.

Daniel Lockhart was dressed causally in well cut tan slacks and a blue pullover shirt, Alex called him last night to come see him with the excuse that he had something important to discuss with him.

He moved away from the door to make for Daniel to come in.

"Morning bro" Daniel greeted as he entered and close the door behind him.

" Morning'' Alex said in reply.

"I made coffee, do you want some?"  

"Sure, yes" Daniel replied making himself comfortable on one of the sofas in the sitting room.

The room was magnificently beautiful and enormous with diverse set of paintings hanging on the wall. The arrangement was in an orderly and expensive manner, nothing less expected from him to say the least.
Alex strolled in few minutes later with two mug of coffee, which he gave one to his friend.

"What's on your mind bro'' Daniel asked, concerned about Alex.

To this question, Alex took his time to take his friend through what had transpired between he and Diana starting from the first day he saw her.

   About one and half later Alex closed his door, satisfied with what he and Daniel had talked about.

He had explained everything to him. He poured another mug of coffee- his fifth that morning and strolled to the window to look at the beautiful landscape that has appeared already.

Daniel had offer his own take on the matter before he left, and that was what he was gonna do. He would do it with all pleasure.

He smiled at that thought and drank his coffee in a gup as it was now getting cold.


  "Give me a hand before you go Diana" Alex ordered one week later on a late night at work. It was probably only the two of them left in the office.

  He waved her to one end of the desk. 

"Help me shift this into the corridor, will you? I rang down for some help, but I was too late. Everyone's gone".

Diana signed as she glanced her watch. "Its almost seven" she said pointedly as she stationed herself at one end of the huge new modern desk. Alex had bought it to replace his fathers old desk.

"Sorry" Alex said

"Didn't notice the time, shan't keep you much longer, now when I say heave, heave!" Diana eyed him lazily

" Do you mind if I take my jacket off first? its fairly new"

" Hurry up then" he said faking impatience

" the decorator are coming in a minute"

  "Tonight?" She panted as they manoeuvred the heavy desk through the door.

" I thought they were coming next weekend-ouch!". She wailed as her knuckles grazed the door handle.

"Did you hurt yourself?" He asked concerned as they finally set the desk down in the corridor.

" Just a graze" she snapped, sucking her knuckles. He took her hand, examined the reddened fingers, then looked at her softly.

"Shall I kiss it better?"

"Certainly not!" Diana snatched her hand away then marched into her office to hide her reddened cheek filled with a wide blush at his words and as well to take her jacket.

"Now please let me go, Mr Alex"

" Wait a minute!" He barred her way " will you let me atone by taking you somewhere for a meal, I know a nice little place we can go to"

Diana opened her mouth to refuse, then hesitated, tempted. The alternative was a sandwich or a salad on her little balcony, alone. And tonight for some indefinable reason, she felt like been in someone's company. Male company at that.

Diana gazed at him thoughtfully then shrugged.

"All right". You haven't forgotten I'm a nervous passenger?" She reminded him as they both set off to leave.

"Of course" Alex stated as he  ignited the car.

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