The hole

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"Wake up sleepy head you are doing to miss school,"my mom said with a up bead tone. I get up put on a fresh set of clothes. I knew my friend would be there. Around 6:50 am I walk to school my classes were on a little list my first class was math. I saw this one girl I had a crush on since 2nd grade a  tall short-haired ginger the most sparkling hazel eyes, her name is Chloe and guess where she sits right behind me! Hours later I was in the lunch line I didn't really want to eat cause my passion was to draw and nothing else. I sat down with my friend Zach."hey look at those little child drawing about his sorry life"said Logan one of the bullies he was always fix on me. Suddenly Logan grabbed my drawings and looked at them first was me as a raccoon Logan crushed it and threw it in the trash and the rest were of Chloe he ripped them in my face and smirked "you will never get a girlfriend or someone as cute as her so you better back off!". He grabbed me and punched me in gut once,twice there were too many to count that all did I was just a cycle that never ended. He slapped me in the face and dropped me to the floor. I was was vomiting blood and I was holding back my tears. I looked to see cops pulling back Logan. Got up and walked home I didn't want to be in that hell hole. I always say by this one tree by my house as a kid I called it old faith cause it has been there for over 60 years. Today I saw something I haven't seen before there was a hole it was big enough to fit my self. I knew that curious killed the cat but, what's the point of living if you have a no fun. I slowly crawled in to that tree it was roomy than I thought it was. Suddenly I was being to be lower until the soil collapsed under me. I saw the black sky with over coming stars but, it was inside a hole. I landed I was in the old faith but, as I walked out side I was greeted I with something different my mind. There was animals not like the ones from earth saw and there were many plants that were vibrant and they were everywhere. I start to walk around to see this new world and how graceful and trying to forget the ugly punches. I felt something I have never felt before it was long and soft I try to feel it. It was a tail and felt my head and I had raccoon ears I can't believe it! "You there demon child!" Said a voice I turn around to see a pissed of village with spears and many knives. I started to run away from the village men. "I'm starting to have the worst day in my life" I ran faster try to escape from the pain to come. I stumbled on a small pebble which lead me to trip. The villagers start to beat me the sliced in the face and I thought how this is the day I die."Hey the that man alone said a girl that was like me. The villagers turned to see a fox lady she look like Chloe, yet it was not her she was a tomboy she had a huge tattoo and weapons which made her look like a badass." Dam you villagers you stop beating the half breeds one day they can strike your town and be send to the hounds of hell." She said. The villagers now walked away as she got closer to me."hey look I'm sorry that happened um my name is Nicky I have never seen you around here but, it's nice to meet you.." she paused she looked puzzled."it's cooper, cooper smith "I replied."Come with me cooper you need some help with those wounds." Later I'm covered with cloth to stop the bleeding. It was getting late it must been late a home so I say goodbye to Nicky I soon wish to see her again as I remember what about my wounds for when I get home. I get home I try to hide the wounds from my mom and go to bed.

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