I am gone

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I wake up early and decide to go through the other world to see Nicky. I love her she is the only person I care for. While walking to go find her my tail and ears were back and I smelt something dangerous. I run to the scent and I grew angry for what I saw. "Nicky... n..n.icky what happened to yo..u?" I say with pure horror. Logan was touching Nicky and not in a sexual way ether. Logan turned around with is fists covered with the thick blood of my princess. At this point I gain my ability to speak the truth." WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU LOGAN FOR ONCE IN YOU LIFE CAN YOU UNDERSTAND THIS IS MY LIFE AND YOU CANT DO THESE TO THE ONES I LOVE! AND IF YOU CAN THINK YOU CAN GAT AWAY FROM THIS YOU ARE WRONG AND IM GOING TO KILL YOUR ASS TO A FUCKING BLOODY PULP AND YOU WILL REGRET EVER TOUCHING NICKY YOU BASTURD!!" I say with pure vengeance in my soul. My nails grow strong like metal screws  and my teeth are fangs. I loose my self with this power and anger and I became a monster. I leaped on Logan and I started to markings on his face soon blood started to pour like a fountain. Logan tried to move but it was useless to even try. " this is what you get for destroying the things I love " I whispered as I jabbed my nails into his stomach."and this is karma you son of a bitch" I whisper again. I come back into reality and see blood on Logan and stop. I realize the thing I did to him. I clean up to show that I did kill him and head back to my world. I feel the tears run down on my face as I set Logan on a the hospital and sprinting back to Nicky's world.

20 minutes later

I patch up Nicky after that is start to doze off of remember what I did."hey can I ask you something? It is about my ears and tail what...I..am i?" I stuttered." You are like me a half breed or um a half demon and are you ok I smell that asshole's scent all over you"she replied. " it's nothing and what happened to me I suddenly just lost control and attacked him and I couldn't stop my self and I hated it" I said." Come on we need to get you to a black smith Cooper come on." Ignoring my statement.

Time skip

"This is Eris he is a black smith for demons like us and he makes weapons for us to control things like what you did to Logan." She explained to me. "Hello nice to meet you Cooper what weapon would you like for me to make you?" He said with a bright smile. I decided to get draggers, but there was a catch he told me then he yanked my two teeth for them.  We walk home to go back to my house, but Nicky said she wanted to show me something." Wait here I want to show you something Cooper" she said with a smile. "Close you eyes ok?" I nod my head. " you open on the count of ten" her said. "1....2...3..4.....5...6.7..8...9-" she was cut off when suddenly her lips were on mine. My life was back to being amazing. She slowly moved closer and closer that I tripped backwards onto her bed. "10"She slowly backed up and opened my eyes again. Nicky giggled and blushed and so did I. I look down to see my thing was rising and I become embarrassed. "Well I have to go now..um.. see you tomorrow babe." I say leaving Nicky's house. "Ok Cooper see you tomorrow" I here in the distance as I hold my daggers tightly.

Time skip

I make it to my house and I try to sneak in so mom doesn't see me. I look over to see my mother pissed off. "Cooper we need to talk. I just got a call from mrs.wall and she told me that her son was stabbed and have multiple cuts on him. What happened to him? And what is in your hand?"my mom said in a loud tone." Mom I didn't anything to him and this a gift a special friend gave me." I slowly pit my head down and walked up the stairs." I'm not done with you come here!" My mom said in rage. I ignore her demand and lock my door up stairs. My tears roll down my face and don't stop. I made my final decision in this world I'm leaving. I emptied my backpack and filled it with clothes,food,water,and I started to write my mom a note to tell her that I ran away. I put my hood back on headed to old faith. I bang on the entrance on her house. Nicky ran out to greet me. "Can I live with you in this world because I love you very much and I can't stand leaving you alone." I say. Nicky rubbed her eye In disbelief and nodded. I followed her into her room and lied on her bed with her. I settle down and start to sleep but Nicky began to nuzzle her face in my chest and I bring her into a hug."goodnight babe"I whispered.

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