A secret

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"Cooper, cooper,COOPER WAKE UP!" My mom yelled she gave me the most painful huge in the world. My mom noticed that I had bruises and cut on my body."lift up your shirt now"my mother said in a serious tone. I lifted my shirt and my mother was in shock cuts and bloody cloths."who the hell did this to cooper!" She screamed. I didn't answer I was too scared it was like my mind turned off."Logan"I mumbled "Logan wall? Dammit get ready." I finally got to class I tried to stay away from the class and put my hood on so no one sees my cuts. I don't what to say my friends or about the other world. If I tell anyone they won't believe me and think that I'm a crazy person. I pull out a piece of paper from my notebook and start drawing Nicky. I felt a feeling that I never felt before and when I did feel it I was around Chloe. I have a feeling that this is love,it feels great." Mr.cooper! Pull down your hood we are in a building"said the teacher wanting to see the cuts. I pull down my hood revealing my true identity. The class gasped is surprise of my new markings on me. The teacher sent me to the counselor's office to seek 'help'. The counselor was a preppy 30 woman who obviously had issues her name was ms.mars most of the time she gives up her problems. To me she tells me that I connect to her the most."cooper I it's been forever since we last talk what happened this time,"she said with a smile. I mumbled to that I didn't want to be here. "Hey buddy I'm going to pull you hood down so I can understand more"" oh lord what happened Cooper you don't look ok?" She said trying to not to see the monstrous face. I don't know what got over me but I walked out of the room and started sobbing to old faith. When I got there I went into the hole and hid. It did it again I went to the dimension. It toke a little longer like someone else was with me I turn around to see her" how do you do that Cooper and are your wounds healing fine?" I nod and I slowly grab her hand and letting sit by me. The floor sinks again I start to question my self."what am I going to do with Nicky?and what about her ears and tail?a human can't have one!" I push that aside and we were in the human world I took her to my house since she come home at 12am." Where is my parts and I'm missing my tail it's gone!""quiet down and came to my house." I told her. "Hey Nicky no one can know about the the tree ok?" She nods. We have a huge secret and no one needs to know,

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