Number 1

102 1 0
  • Dedicated to Jared Depew

Mien tot grand-mather is krank

Tot grandmutter? Krank?

Ja. She is dead and she is sick with the flue and ectoplasmic ooze

Okay and it’s flu not flue

You wanna correct me then I curse you to eternal carrot walking

I curse you to forever listen to girls giggle

If it’s Megan fox then yess! When Ophra wines she yells a lot. I know this with erection meth wiggles


Erection perfection

Says who?

The little hooker you stole from me. I want her back DAMMIT!

Go ahead and have her, she’s too blond for me (arrow pointing at class slut)

Ok, thats not her hair color... It something else.

(Arrow pointing again)

(Arrow pointing to word erection)

Look forward towards front you idiot!


Don’t we know it.

There’s like a dude touching her at the moment

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