A Note to Readers

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I am determined to show the world, or those in it that are aware, that living with mental illness can be a lovely, lovely experience.

If you are personally living with mental illness, I applaud you! You've made it this far. There is so much to live for, and you're incredibly strong for pushing through any struggles you face! You aren't alone. If you retain little from this collection of works, at least remember this: Without rain, there are no flowers.

You are loved.

If you know of someone living with mental illness, I hope you're a positive source of light, love, and support. You might not realize it, but you could mean the world to someone who is struggling. I hope you're present for both the good and bad days, and appreciate every single one of them. Love and support are some of the best gifts to receive.

You are loved.

A Particularly Lovely Life, Despite the StigmaUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum