The Subdued Rollercoaster

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I'm writing this on January 16, 2017, in the midst of a healthy and productive day.

As I've stated previously, my mental health is a bit unpredictable. An ever-changing, hot mess.

To help with this emotional rollercoaster, I spoke with my primary doctor once again. She recently adjusted my medicine, and the result has been so far so good! It is interactions such as these that remind me how important honesty and support are when it comes to mental health. I know for a fact that the person I was several months ago wouldn't have allowed my medication to be altered, because I was too full of pride, and not full of acceptance.

I can happily confirm that the majority of my days have been well.

A little girl from my church asked me why I was so incredibly happy, which had never been asked to me before. It warmed my heart and solidified the knowledge that I have made progress in this journey of self-love, care, and respect.


I can credit the majority of this progress to stepping back from my stressful school schedule.

I haven't been in a classroom since November of 2016. I've kept up with my assignments via emailing and making runs to the school for coursework, but I haven't been in class, on a school day, in quite a while.

Returning to school at this point in time would do more harm than good. I've tried on several occasions, but the anxiety of returning keeps me from walking out the door before 7:20 on a school day.

I enjoy learning. I enjoy making lists. I enjoy looking into potential career pathways, and researching my dream universities. I enjoy reading. I enjoy school in general, but just thinking about the high school atmosphere makes my heart race.

To alleviate some of my school-related stress, I have recently switched to full-time homeschooling, for the remainder of this school year, at least. I am more relaxed than I ever have been. I'm able to do the things I love for the entirety of the day. Painting, dancing, working with my horse, and discovering new music- all while furthering my education.

I've found the good in this crumby situation, and I am making the best of it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2017 ⏰

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