An Introduction

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I hate to begin introductory statements with the word "introduction". I absolutely despise the practice. In lack of a better word, though, this is my introduction to you, so you don't read this collection and think I'm an old and seasoned individual who has incredible stories to tell her grandkids, which, in fact, I don't... Yet.

So here goes nothing.

My name is Hannah Felise Watkins. I'm 16 years of age. (Aha, see?) I'm a horse mom to a beautiful Polish Arabian named Khy. I'm a big sister to my only sibling, Eva Marie, who is four years of age. I have several passions, and they make up who I am as an individual, and have most definitely saved my life more than once.

The impressive list follows:

Praising Jesus.



Anything related to equine activity.

Brewing green tea.

Eating incredible amounts of Ceasar salad (an obsession I can thank an ex-boyfriend for, actually).

Attempting to do yoga.

Doing absurd makeup that I would never wear in public.

Oh, and advocating for mental health awareness.

That one is kind of a biggie.

I noticed something 'different' when I was in the seventh grade.

My moods shifted more often. Stress ate at me like a mouse to cheese. I didn't enjoy the things I used to. I lost sight of my passions. I didn't enjoy being around people anymore. I began wearing makeup, because I was self-conscious of my acne, and the white eyelashes framing my right eye, due to a skin condition called Vitaligo.

I know, I know, I can credit some of this to growing up, and puberty... blah, blah, blah. I know for a fact that that was only a portion of it. The person that understands you best is you, after all.

My mental health from then on could be described as a rollercoaster, of sorts.

I would have my really good days, comparable to a fast-flying loop on a coaster. Over before you knew it, but still memorable.

And then, I would have my really bad days, which, appropriately, would be sudden jolts, drops, twists, and turns. These parts of the coaster were the ones that had the potential to give lasting effects, for instance, whiplash.

Keep in mind: I was barely a teenager.

As I've said, I'm hardly an "old and seasoned individual", but I have grown to be wiser than my years, in a very, very short amount of time. I'd like to credit this knowledge of life to several people and experiences: the ex that began my Ceasar salad obsession, my equine mentor and longtime friend, my family, a fairly large internet following, and reading past my bedtime, on numerous occasions.

I hope whoever reads this can learn something from what I've learned (and I hope that statement just made sense).

- Hannah Felise

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