An Inspector Calls

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"... what happened to her then may have determined what happened to her afterwards, and what happened to her afterwards may have driven her to suicide. A chain of events." - An Inspector Calls


The Detective Inspector was visiting today; Sherlock had personally requested that he came to visit and assessed the damage in hopes that even Lestrade wouldn't be so foolish as to over look a case to this extreme. Moriarity had been in hiding and after the large public display he had created last week everyone was out to get him.

However, ofcourse Moriarity wasn't so stupid as to come back without reinforcements or some sort of protection. During his hiding, Moriarity somehow gained diplomatic immunity, most likely by blackmailing a member of the government.

Unaware of this DI took the case due to lack of crimes being reported, he needed to up the arrests by the station drastically. It did also help that he would rather be anywhere but home at the moment, after he and his wife's divorce the house did feel somewhat warmer alone than it ever did with her there yet the loneliness was starting to sink in. Every hour spent there was another the DI wasted wondering if he had made a mistake ever divorcing the woman. After all, a cheating wife is better than no wife at all right?

No, the DI made sure to shake any thoughts like that out of his head before he entered St Barts hospital, no reason to bring his problems into work especially on a case like this.

As far as the DI was aware this case was one of abuse and repeated rape/molestation. Cases like this were the ones that twisted his stomache the most, he couldn't bare to think that someone would be so sick and demented that they would feel the need to do something so rotton and horrible to a child or even a fully grown adult. Male or female the culprit was a sick and twisted pyschopath whom needed to be taken to prision and pay for what they did. Hell if it were up to the DI anyone whom even attempted such an atrocity should be murdered, rehabillitation never worked he knew that much.

On entering the hospital the DI's stomache was wrapped up in knots, the knots got tighter as he saw the monster. Jim Moriarity. The most sick and twisted individual that the DI had ever had the misfortune to lay his eyes on. The DI kept his eyes fixated on the sociopaths face as he passed him walking to the room, the look on his face was twisted and evil. It made the DI's skin crawl.

Surpressing his disgust the DI quickly made his way to the patient's room, she was awake and Sherlock was sitting by her stroking her hand slightly, pretty odd but I suppose it was John's daughter, Sherlock probably felt obligated to help her. Though the look in his eyes stated something else, rage was it?

The DI made his way swiftly to the girl and asked Sherlock to excuse her, he hadn't made a point at bothering to clearly look at the girl yet but when he did... his heart stopped for a split second before resuming.

His heart had litterally skipped a beat, just as Sherlock's had when Jennifer had fallen down the stairs. This time however the DI's heart didn't skip with horror and pain, it skipped for a whole other reason.

The DI gave a slightly audible gulp trying to bring himself back to the present and the room he was in, "H-Hello." He said at first with the voice of a startled teenage boy before coughing slightly and his voice returning back to its natural regular gravelliness of a mature inspector; "Hello Jennifer is it? I'm Greg Lestrade Detective Inspector. I just came to ask you a few questions about your step father Jim Moriarity."


The Inspector, Greg Lestrade was quite an older gentleman than Jennifer was used to but there was something about him that made her attracted to him. Not as attracted as she was to Sherlock but everyone knew that was going absolutely nowhere, Jennifer had come to terms with the fact that Sherlock was only showing her so much kindness because he was inlove with her father.

Jennifer made sure to answer the DI's answer questions to the best of her abilities.

"So how long did the abuse go on for Jennifer?"

"Uhm, I can't remember, I know it started when mother met him, probably when I was 13. It's been going on for so long I can barely remember when it started if I'm being honest."

"4 years?" Greg sounded shocked, "Wow, and nobody else knows?"

"Only Sherlock and my mother."

"Didn't your mother do anything about it?" The DI was beginning to sound outraged.

"She never believed me, she always said I was out to get attention and that nobody would believe me anyway."

For a second she saw the DI exhale disgusted by her mother and there was a few seconds silence. Jennifer took this as an oppourtunity to deduce the man, his hair and clothes were co ordinated quite nicely, the greyness of his hair would place him at about the the age of 41-42 even? He had a circular tan line around his finger, meaning he has just got out of a long term marriage, or possibly he is cheating then again by his manner she can tell he isn't exactly a ladies man so balance of probability would say that he has just been divorced, He has no wrinkles around his lips meaning no laughter lines which could suggest quite a sad man, not a good marriage. Single, no children.


Jennifer cursed herself slightly, she was laying in a hospital bed talking about the most traumatc experiences of her life and she is still subconsiously deducing guys that could be potential boyfriend material. Get a hold of yourself, your last relationships never went well so you shouldn't even be considering dating again. You swore off that part of your life yet here you are deducing a potential boyfriend and getting upset because the man you currently fancy doesn't like you because he is a high functioning sociopath whom has dated your father.

Jennifer returned back to the real world as the Inspector said, "I'm sorry we can't do anything, Sherlock was too stupid to inform me that Moriarity has diplomatic immunity, the only way we could get him locked up is catching him in the act which we obviously can not."

Catch him in the act? Jennifer thought to herself, no matter how horrible that would be she loathed Moriarity more than anyone in existance. She could always..

No that was stupid however it was an idea.. a good idea too.

"Don't be getting any idiotic ideas, I know what type of people hang around with Sherlock and John, you're all geniouses but you're also nutters."

"I won't Detective Inspector." Jennifer told him reassuringly, she couldn't tell him her idea he would have taken her into protection with security to keep her safe from herself.

"Greg, you can call me Greg. Due to the circumstances."


"Yes, I was friends with your father and am friends with Sherlock."

"Oh yes, ofcourse. Thank you, Greg."

"I promise we will find a way to get this guy locked up, he's caused so much damage and most of the world want him dead already."

Jennifer simply nodded, knowing nothing would be done unless she could help them catch him in the act. Oh she would.

This was her new start and he had followed her here?

Oh no, he wasn't going to get away with that. She was going to make that son of a bitch pay.


Ohhhhh Shits going down! Sorry late upload school and all that!!! What's going to happen? Lestrade and Jennifer get together? Or will Sherlock tell Jennifer the strage feelings he's been having for her? What will Jennifer do to make Moriarity pay? Love you all!

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