The Hospital

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Before I start I just really want to apoligize to you, I know I haven't updated twice a week as promised but it is my last year at school so at minimum I promise I will upload atleast once a week alternating between this and The Companion. I will try update twice a week but it is a little hard with all the exams and coursework. Sorry!


~"God Help me. Believe me. This wasn't what I wanted. He's got me."~

*2 days ago after Jennifer had confided in Sherlock*

Upon being confided in Sherlock's emotions were scattered, he wasn't sure what he was. Upset? Angry? Heartbroken? 

Heartbroken? Why would he even think of something so absurd!? Sherlock quickly shook his head letting that thought float away and hide in the deepest crevices of his mind. Of course Sherlock wasn't heartbroken he harboured no feelings for the girl, she was simply John's daughter nothing more to Sherock, right?

Sherlock thoughts drifted for a few seconds: yes Jennifer was an attractive and sweet girl. Quite an intelligent girl, probably the most intelligent woman Sherlock had met since... the woman. Other than intelligence Jennifer was nothing like the woman, perhaps this is why they got along so well? Of course it must be, that paired with the fact she is John's relative must be the reason, Sherlock couldn't find out what else it could possibly be.

Suddenly his thoughts were abrupted by a throat clearing noise, right Jennifer was still waiting for his response. Shaking his head clear of his thoughts for a second Sherlock looked up and upon finding the veiw infront of him he finally realized what the feeling which he was experiencing was... Rage.

The veiw which had greeted him was... quite unpleasent. Jennifer looking down in Sherlock's direction slightly a look of guilt and fear with a twisted pain. Looking along her features Sherlock noticed a red mark slowly forming along her cheek bones. 

With his palms balling into fists Sherlock refused to look up at the person opposite of him; he already knew who it was. "Sherlock," the man greeted him coldly as Sherlock felt the slight gust of wind which was created by the man waving his hand surely a little sore from the impact. 

Sherlock could barely find a calm enough voice to respond in, his rage overflowing almost. He did know that he had to remain calm infront of Jennifer, nothing works up a person more than seeing someone angry and Jennifer was worked up enough. Sherlock could see this from the tears beginning to well up in her eyes as she held them back resting a finger or two on the mark.

"Moriarity." Sherlock answered in a calm voice trying not to let Moriarity see how upset and angry he was. He knew that John was Sherlock's pressure point and if he found out that Jennifer was too.. Sherlock didn't want to have to go through the pain and the games again.

"Would you mind if I had a second alone with my dearest step daughter?" Moriarity asked in a very unsettling Irish monotone voice.

Sherlock merely nodded deciding that since he was right outside the door that he could simply keep watch and would hear if Moriarity was trying to pull anything. The consulting detective slowly made his way over to the door before swiftly turning around with a scowl on his brow, "If you try anything you Irish bastard, I'll drag you out myself."

Before revealing much else about his feelings for Jennifer Sherlock turned and left quickly through the door as he began impatiently pacing up and down the corridor. The nurses watched intrigued by the strange man pacing and mummbling illegible things under his breath.


Alone in the room Jennifer braced herself for the worst which made it much more shocking when the only response she got was him sitting beside her and resting a hand on hers. She unwillingly left her hand under his, idiotically hoping that on some level it was an apoligy and that he was going to set her free. 

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