Forever and Always~

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I didn’t realize that I left my stories on cliff hangers... never mind the fact that I left it on a cliff hanger that confused a lot of people when it comes to this particular fanfiction...

Never fear! Explanations and fluff are here!


“I realize what an awful human being I am.

I am betraying my brothers trust, I am throwing away everything I and the British Government stands for and most of all... I am losing everything I was and am risking everything I could be.

But he’s my drug...” – Mycroft Holmes

Sherlock had his cocain many years ago, Jennifer had her self-harm, Moriarity had his destruction and mayhem, John well he had Sherlock... Mycroft was the only one without an outlet or something to keep him sane and happy. Of course nobody cared enough to notice. They all left him to his devices and although he was never as stupid as his brother, they both had the same tendencies. Sherlock may have gone about these tendencies wrong and had self-harmed in the past but Mycroft had a different way to deal with these thoughts himself...

“You fat pig.”

He retched into the bathtub besides him, the aftertaste of bile covering Mycroft’s tongue. The after taste making the lanky man gag and retch once more, throwing up his “guts” as most would call it. Wiping the saliva and bile from his lips, the man smiled a tad.

“Just a few skipped meals away from a pound or two lost...”

The man stumbled back onto his feet, straightening out his suit and facing himself in the mirror as he does his tie.

“Of course you’re nowhere near a pound lost fatty. Look at you, you barely fit in this suit, look the buttons look like they’re about to pop off! Idiot...”

Once he had straightened his tie, Mycroft got out the toothbrush and started to clean his teeth and tongue to get rid of the taste and smell of bile coming from his throat.

“Ugh look at those teeth, yellow, seriously whom would kiss those? You know if they even could stomach your fat gut.”

With a sigh Mycroft made his way to the door and grabbed his umbrella. Time for another “eventful” meeting, though maybe the meeting would be more eventful than he would have realized.


The room was large, filled with men and women all dressed appropriately. There was a large table in the middle where all the people were situated, many of the men took sips of their coffee and talked about their day, regular conversation nothing that interesting; some women away from the table and on the phone telling their employees how to fix certain office issues or calling missile plans off.

Upon entering the room Mycroft coughed quite abruptly, all the commotion in the office stopping immediately. The man slowly swaggered his way over to his chair at the head of the table, placing his briefcase on the wooden table as a particular wormwood suit caught his eye.

A man, shorter in height than Mycroft but one whom owned a bigger presence than him. His hair was slicked back a tad, it seemed like it was blonde but possibly dyed, it didn’t seem like a natural colour for the man. He wore black thick rimmed glasses also quite un natural for the man, obvious from his slightly squinted eyes contrasting against his cool demeanour. Was this a badly put together disguise?

“Now,” the man spoke finally, “I suppose you’re all wondering why I called you here today...” The room nodded with agreement, “Well, all of us in one way or another are high up in the ranks of the world. Politicians, Government officials, Crime Lords... We need to gang together.”

Guilty Pleasures - A Sherlock Romanceحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن