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Hailee's POV:

I keep driving at the same speed as Cameron but he starts swerving side to side and I start to think to myself "I gotta do something to prevent him from killing himself."

I start to think as I drive my car behind swerving Cameron but can't think of nothing at all.

Cameron's POV:

"Ohhhhh yeah fuck my life woooo crank this up man" I keep swerving my car to try to get Hailee off my ass but it won't work.

I say to myself "fuck I'm drunk and tired maybe I'll just sleep" I put my head on the steering wheel and fall asleep.

Hailee's POV:
"Here's my chance" I say as I pass Cameron and see he has fallen asleep behind the wheel.

I look in my mirrors and see he is asleep and there is nothing I can do.

Then all of a sudden my car breaks down and I park my car on the edge of the highway away from traffic.

Next thing I see is Cameron's car starting to slow down and when it does I run to his car and take him out and ball my eyes out.

I run off the highway and go to where my car is parked and put Cameron in the passenger seat. I sigh in relief and go to the drivers side and get in, I look over to Cameron then in my mirror and try starting my car but no luck at all.

I hit my fist on the steering wheel "YOU PIECE OF SHIT WHY WON'T YOU START"

Then out of nowhere I see my pal Joe Jonas standing in front of my car and I roll down my window and say "want me to pop the lid?."

Joe says nothing but grunts like a zombie and I get scared and try my car again and it starts. When my headlights come on I see Joe but zombie Joe and I say "oh shit!!!!"

Joe starts to laugh "haha Hailee I got you good this time even better then my prank on you in Sydney Australia"

I start to laugh "dammit Joe you had me there I actually thought you were a zombie, what are you doing out here anyway?"

Joe replies "waiting for a ride home"

I get out of my car and pull my seat back "hop in Joe"

He gladly comes over to my car and gets in the tiny backseat. He starts to talk "so Hailee work on any songs lately?"

I smile in the mirror and say "I actually did but with Shawn mendes we came up with it together."

Joe nods his head and says "remember when we did rock bottom ft DNCE?."

I start to cry a little "yeah I remember that it was fun really fun"

Joe holds Hailee's shoulders "well that was the best doing that collab with you thanks Haiz"

I chuckle a little "your welcome Joe"

The rest of the car ride is quiet except when my car broke down once again in the middle of a nowhere highway.

Joe starts to freak out a bit "where the hell are we?"

I start to yell a bit "I DON'T KNOW JOE JUST STSY CALM!!!"

He shuts up right away and let's me think to myself for a while.

I start to come up with an idea and that is to keep trying to get my car to start but it won't so I say "we are stuck here tonight Joe and Cameron"

Joe starts to freak out a bit but I hit him to shut him up "calm down dude we will be just fine" he calms right down and looks out the window "I wonder which highway this is"

I look back in my seat and say "I think it's deadly highway where deaths have happened before"

Joe looks at me with a confused face "I've never heard of deadly highway before actually never"

I start to smile and lay my seat back "don't worry nothing bad won't happen"

Joe sees me close my eyes and he starts freaking out and looking into the dark. Eventually he gets so scared that he taps me on the shoulder and says "h-Hailee I-I'm scared to sleep on death highway."

I wake up slowly and look at him "you are scared Joe Jonas the strongest guy I know is scared of the dark."

Joe starts to whimper a bit then looks out the window again and he sees something "w-what's that?."

I look at where he is pointing "that's a person with a knife coming for the car, wait what?."

Joe really starts to freak out and he gets on the armrest and try's starting the car but nothing happens.

I start trying to start the car but then I look back outside to see nothing "ok he's gone Joe get to bed"

Joe lays down on the backseat and I finally fall back asleep. We sleep far into the afternoon but I wake up to look at the time and it's 2:00Pm "fuck fuck what happened why am I naked" I say as I cover my boobs and vagina.

Joe wakes up and smiles "let's just say you and me had a fun time when you slept hailee."

I start to freak out put on my bra and panties and the rest of my clothes and try starting my car but it won't start.

Joe starts laughing jokingly "Hailee I was sleeping I did nothing to you last night in your friend I'd never do that to you"

I sigh in relief and look at my dash lights "what the fuck?"

Joe replies back "what Hailee?"

I move in my seat and show him my dash lights "look they are on but my car won't start worth a shit"

Joe gets out of the car and I pop the lid to my car and he looks at the engine "hmm what could it be?"

I start to realize and roll down my window "Joe my car has starter problems"

He looks at me with a thumbs up "so then what we do is change your starter"

I get out quickly and back him away "Joe please don't remember this is where others have died it's death highway"

He gets out of my grip and turns to me "dam then what no cellphones will work will they?"

I get out my cellphone and check "no bars at all yup we are screwed but I can't just leave Cameron"

We both stand there for hours but when I get back in my car and start it for some reason it does a scratching noise then starts and I yell "what was that?"

Nobody replies back to me and I get scared and run out to find joe's body inside the engine "no no no no no shit I gotta get outta here now" and with that I get back in and drive away as fast as I can and I get Cameron home and I get inside my house and go to bed right away.

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