Another new day

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Hailee's POV:

I wake up to baby Kate crying early in the morning. When I go to her I pick her up and feed and change her, and then let her crawl around.

That's when my mom comes in and says "good morning my daughter".

I smile and nod at her "good morning mom how are you?".

She picks up Kate, but she screams and my mom says "shhhh Kate grandpas still sleeping".

Kate just keeps screaming, so I find her pacifier and stick it in her mouth "Kate please be quiet".

Kate finally stops and looks at me "momma".

Me and Cheri start to freak out "oh my god Kate you talked".

She looks at us confused "dada?".

I start to get a bit worried so my mom says "sweetie dada is in a place getting help right now".

Once Cheri says that I give her a quick glance "mom seriously".

Kate copies what I say "mom seriously".

That's when I laugh and my mom joins in "oh you little munchkin".

When dad wakes up he goes by us "good morning everyone".

I'm the first one to say "good morning father".

Peter looks at my mom "so what's for breakfast?".

Cheri just shrugs her shoulders "hmmm idk".

Dad jokingly grabs Kate "how about we eat this little thing".

Kate starts to laugh and kick her feet "grandpa!!!!".

Peter grabs one of Kate's little feet "nom nom nom". Kate just laughs away as my dad does this to her.

Me and Cheri stand there and watch, until mother goes downstairs to make breakfast.

While she's downstairs with dad, I stay upstairs and play with Kate "so honey do you like it here?".

Kate just ignores me and plays with some cars. I join in on the fun and we race and have crashes "Kate you won again and I crashed a million times".

Kate grabs her bottle and pretends it's a trophy "I win I win I win haha mother".

I take out my phone and take a video "hey guys look at Kate she's holding a trophy".

She just keeps holding it up and I send that to snapchat. After a few more minutes of playing Kate says "I have to go to the bathroom".

I look at her and say "but your hardly 1 years old".

Kate agrees with me but starts to pout "I wanna be a big girl".

I just open the door to the bathroom and put her on the toilet "ok go pee or poop".

Kate starts to laugh after what I said "tee hee mom you said poop".

I slap my head and look at her "well what the heck aye".

After Kate is done with going to the bathroom we go downstairs. That's when Kate sees it and she says "it's my birthday".

Cheri takes Kate from me "yes it is sweetie you are turning one today".

Kate hugs my mom and says "thank you thank you".

My mom just takes her to a highchair "the best part about today is this sweetie".

Kate tries to look at what she does while she's turned around "cmon show me show me".

Mother turns around revealing some pancakes "these were made with love Kate hope you love them".

Kate just grabs a pancake and goes at it "yummy this is good mom come have some".

I come over to the table and grab two pancakes with syrup "this outta be good".

Kate keeps on chewing but eventually says "it is very very good mommy".

Throughout all of breakfast, Kate has the most pancakes out of all of us.

I pickup Kate and bring her to the sink "wanna do some dishes with mom?".

She looks at me and grabs a cloth "would I".

I wash the dishes and Kate dries them. That's when a car pulls up and out comes Cameron "oh man oh no".

Cheri and Peter look where I'm looking "not him I guess it's been a year".

Cameron walks inside the house and over to the table "hey guys".

Kate turns around and sees Cameron "who are you?".

I laugh at Kate and say "that's your dad".

Kate hugs me and says "I don't know if I like him mommy".

Cameron hears exactly what Kate says "and why is that huh?".

I stand in front of Kate "leave her be Cameron please".

Cameron just stands there looking at us "I thought you guys would be happy I came back from jail".

I have no other choice but to confront Cameron, "oh cmon we are happy you are back man".

Cameron just pushes me away "liar".

Cheri grabs hold of Cameron "dude what's your problem?".

He turns around to look at Cheri "you guys are apparently my problem".

I just can't hold it back anymore and I say "you are not a father to Kate even she says so".

That's when the whole room grows silent, with us just standing there.

Kate gets down and crawls away as fast as she can.

Cameron decides to go after her but I jump on him "leave her alone you psycho".

He tries to get up but can't so he says "you jerk let me hug my kid".

I bang his head on the floor "hell no you weren't a father to her then what makes you think I'll let you be a father now?".

Cameron knows exactly what to say "Hailee your fat and stupid".

Cheri and Peter grab Cameron and throw him out "never come back asshole".

I go to search for Kate and she's hiding but she says "I-is he gone?".

I smile and pick her up "yes he was thrown outside just now".

She sighs in relief and we go to watch movies all day, and at around 11:00pm go to bed.

A/n: end of chapter
Tell me what you liked and didn't like.

Love you all.

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