Episode 4

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episode 4

The worst news a sister can ever get is
her brother fighting a war with death
and life. I was cooped up in my sofa
reading the autobiography of steve
jobs. It was a rather pleasant night.
Mark was asleep and George had just
returned from office and was
freshening up.
After reading the last word of my
current page I put the fancy bookmark
on the page placed the book on my
bookshelf and made my way to the
kitchen to prepare for George's dinner.
He usually comes home for dinner but
when he is late as of today he tells me
and Mark to eat and not wait up.
I had prepared some veggies and
started the microwave to heat it.
"Hey!" George comes from behind me
and pecks me on the cheek.
"How was today?"-- he asks.
" Perfect. Today's day was exactly the
way I planned it to be." I say and
quickly turn to face him. I cup his face
in my palm and just look at him. 8
years of marriage and I still don't get
tired of looking at that face.
We met at a coffee shop. I used to
sing there and he was a customer. One
day after my session he comes up to
me and offers me a cappucino! And
well after that one thing led to another
and now here we are.
He and Wayne didn't get along.
Wayne. We've not been in contact for like
two months I think. The last time I
called was for inviting him for Mark's
seventh birthday party. He refused to
come said he had some office work.
When I asked him about him and pauline he just hung up.
I figured something was wrong. He
wasn't his usual self then. I was
The landline started ringing. I told
George to keep an eye on the
microwave. I help up the phone onto
my ear. The voice was of a female who
didn't seem too pleased to let me
know what she was about to tell.
"Melissa Gilbert?"
"My name is Regina. I'm talking from
the Minnesota Hospital. Is wayne anthony your brother?"
I seriously got nervous. Why is a
hospital calling me for my brother. I
hope he is fine. He will be,I know. After
realising that the caller is on hold I
finally spoke
"Yes. Why ? What's wrong?"
"He has met with an accident. His
treatment is going on now. I checked
with his friends from his office which I
came to know from his office ID and
one of them told me to contact you. I
need you to come here and fill some
forms. "
I was dead silent. I couldn't think.
Accident? How? When?
"Mrs. Gilbert"
Regina spoke again
"His wife Pauline was the victim too.
I've been trying to reach her parents
but I cannot connect. Could you please
inform them too?"
Pauline. Oh Dear God.
"Is she injured too?" How dumb.
Ofcourse she will be.
"Yes. They both rammed their cars
together. So both are seriously
"Okay. I'll be there in a few hours and
I'll try and send the message to
Pauline's parents too."
"Thankyou!" She exclaimed before
hanging up.
Wayne met with an accident. So did
Pauline. They crashed each other? Was
it done on purpose? Why were they in
different cars.
"Hey what's wrong?" George scanned
my face and immediately came near
me and hugged me. I started crying. I
couldn't find the courage in me to find
the words and speak. I was just
"W-Wayne met with an accident and
even pauline." I sobbed. Loudly and told
him. He put his hand on my head and
Said that its going to be alright. Will it
be? There was only one way to find
I got away from his hold and told him
"We need to get right away to the
hospital. We need to fill some forms.
And before that i have to call Pauline's
parents and inform them. Go and wake
Mark up we have to leave now."
He left and I took out the phone
directory to find the Gallaghers. After
calling up in almost three houses. I got
it correct the fourth time around.
"Hello. This is Ruby who is this?"
A sweet voice of an old woman
probably Pauline's mum spoke from the
other side of the phone.
"Uhmm hi this is Melissa Gilbert.
Wayne's sister."
The voice grew stern. I know they
weren't a fan of Wayne. Because they
got eloped. Without their consent
"I know you don't like me. But its an
Her voice became more intense and
"What happened? Where is my
"They met with an accident and they-"
"Accident ? What ? How? When ?"
You will come to know if you let me
Controlling my temper
"They were driving and both rammed
their car against each other. I just got
a call from the Minnesota hospital."
" we are coming there right away,"
saying this she hung up.
By the time I was done closing the
windows George got Mark ready and
was already seated in the driver's seat.
Mark was asleep in the backseat. I
quickly took myself to the passenger's
seat and within moments we were

Watch out for episode 5

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