Episode 6

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episode 6

I woke up in a complete white room. I
was surrounded with baffled nurses
and doctors checking the nearby I
beeping machine. I guess my ECG. One
of the doctors who was kinda going
bald flashed a torch light in my left eye
which caused me to flinch. Then he
took hold of my wrist and counted my
pulse. After checking everything he
asked me
"How are you feeling wayne?" He had a
very un-cracked voice. I guess puberty
took a toll on him.
"Uhm my head's hurting." Saying that I
realised that I had no hair.
"What the fuck you cut my hair for?" I
asked him eyeing him with curiosity.
He grinned and turned behind him to
speak to someone.
"He is fine," he mumbled.
"Who is it?" A dainty blonde lady in red
appeared. I was so happy to see a
familiar face. It was my sister, Melissa.
"Hey brother." She said with tears of
joy in her eyes.
"Hey sister." I smiled.
"I'll call George and let him know that
you're awake?"
George? Who is he?
"Who's George, Mel?"
I asked. She was in surprise. And so
was the doctor.
"George is my husband." She said.
Husband? When did she get married?
Ow! My head's hurting. My fingers ran
up to my temples and I started
applying pressure.
The doctor noticed my discomfort and
immediately asked me.
"What is the last thing you remember?"
I thought, thought very hard. The
headache was increasing every second.
I somehow managed to force a reply.
"My sixteenth birthday. But I'm not 16.
I can tell that."
The doctor's face was now blank.
"Nurse shift him for scan."
Saying this two nurses and a ward boy
started shifting me. I shot a look a
Melissa and she mouthed something
like "It'll be okay."

Watch out for episode 7

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