not okay

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"Mr. Adachi, the tests came back."

I looked out the window, preparing myself. My parents looked nonchalant, but even I knew that they weren't. "Go ahead..."

"I'm sorry, but we believe that you have a severe case of cerebrospinal meningitis. We will send you to the ward and begin treatment with antibiotics immediately."

My parents, voices high, said to the doctor, "It's- Our son will be okay, right?"

The doctor looked at me gravely, and turned back to my parents.

"I'm afraid he has had the illness for a long period of time, leaving it in a critical state. I'm surprised you did not already seek medical help, or notice the symptoms. The severity of his state means that his chances of survival are small, but possible. So long as we keep him in hospital, he may be okay. But once again, I can not assure you that he will be. Cerebrospinal meningitis has been known to kill..."

"Mum... Please get me some paper, and an envelope."

My mum, who was now in tears, replied to me in a shriek. "Yuto, oh please love, recover for us. We can't lose you."

I know I should be upset. But, why can't I stop thinking of Wooseok? What if I never get to tell him? I sigh and raise my voice.

"Mum. Please, bring some paper and stuff. I need to tell Wooseok?"

"Wooseok? Who the hell's that? Why do you need to write to him?"

"Please, mum-" my voice cracked as I teared up.

"No, Yuto. Tell me who he is and then i'll get you some paper, or whatever."

I sighed in disbelief. You'd think that maybe now they'd try to be nicer to me. But of course not. They don't care..

"He's..." They were all glaring at me now. "He's my boyfriend."

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