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"104, 106, 108- There it is... 110" Wooseok spoke to himself, as he stood before a large house in the suburbs of Nagano. He took a deep breath, before walking to the door.

The time was of dusk. It was rather peaceful. No cars driving past, no children shouting. Serene, almost.

Wooseok hesitated at the door. There was a 50% chance of his first love turning him away. No, more than that.

They haven't spoken since last year, and had contacted one another for a while through letter. Then, one day, it all stopped. No matter how many letters Wooseok would send, he never got a reply. This increased his worries for his Japanese love. It became too much to handle; thus, why he was stood freezing at a house in Japan.

He hesitated for quite a while, pondering on if he made the right decision. But before he had time to turn back, his hand knocked upon the door.

Shuffling was heard from behind the door. It was opened by a young girl. Early 20s, maybe?

"Hello? Can I help you?" She spoke in Japanese. Luckily, Wooseok had been studying Japanese prior to his visit, so understood enough.

"Ah, um... Is this the Adachi house?" Wooseok asked, mouth suddenly feeling dry as his voice turned into more of a croak.

The girl gave him a confused stare. "It is. Now yet again, may I help you?"

Wooseok let out a sigh of relief. "Finally! I've been looking all day. Is Adachi Yuto currently here? I really, really need to see him!"

The girl's face suddenly became grave. "Yuto.... My brother Yuto? I- I'm sure you have the wrong house. If not- did you not hear the news...?"

Wooseok became confused. "No. I have not heard anything. I had tried continuously early this year to contact him- through letter, might I add- but I never got a reply. He also sent this- the last time I received a letter from him." He rummaged through his bag and grabbed a letter (slightly creased, but in good condition nevertheless).

"Wait..." The girl looked straight to Yuto. "Are you... Are you Jung Wooseok?" He nodded.

"Oh... Come in, I'll tell my parents." The girl moved to allow him to enter the house and soon disappeared. Wooseok heard echoing voices from the house.

"Mum! Mum! It's Wooseok!"


"Yuto's Wooseok!"

Soon, the girl returned with two elderly looking people, "probably Yuto's parents" thought Wooseok.

The four sat at a long dining table, in silence for a short while.

"Um... Sorry but... Where's Yuto?"

The three looked to one another, before the elder woman clasped Wooseok's hand. The man gulped, before beginning to speak.

"Jung Wooseok... I'm afraid.... I'm afraid Yuto passed away near the start of this year. It was a severe case of meningitis..." The woman began to sob, hiding her face in the man's chest.

Wooseok sat still. Frozen.

"You- You're kidding me? What sort of sick joke is this? Thanks for wasting my time." Wooseok began to leave the table, before the young girl grabbed his wrist.

"Wooseok. Trust us. We're... We're not lying... It hurts but please, stay here...." Wooseok returned to his seat, and laid his head on the table. Despite his efforts to conceal his pain, he let out a cry of agony.

"Yuto...." He thought to himself, sobbing uncontrollably. "Why... Why didn't you tell me? All these months i've spent thinking you were alive. I never got to see you in your final hours..."

"W-wooseok.... We're actually... Kinda glad that you're here." The girl began.


"Yes," The woman (who was assumed to be Yuto's mother) "Throughout his time in hospital... He spoke of you often. He always seemed so happy when mentioning you. Could you... Tell us what he was like? That sounds terrible but... I mean, when he was with you. When he was happy. Tell us..."

Wooseok smiled slightly. So he did think of him... He truly never forgot of him...

The boy turned to his Nagano prince's family. He saw so much resemblance of Yuto.

Yuto... While you may not be here with us, we're all grateful. And we love you. Especially me.

I'll never forget. Thank you. I love you. Tomorrow and forever; I love you.

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