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"Sohyun! Mum! I'm back!" I'd spent 2 months on a short vacation in Busan. I was expecting a letter from Adachi, but there was nothing. Maybe there's been a delay or something?

I furrowed my eyebrows. There was no reply. And I could usually hear mum's radio- she kept it on 24/7. But.. Nothing. Confused, I walked in and out of each room. Where were they...? I walked to the final room of our house- My sister's.

I could hear quiet, muffled sobbing. Supposing that it was from Sohyun, I turned the light on and threw the bed covers off of her bed. "Noona! I'm back~ Are you okay--"

My sister lay there, still in pyjamas. Her makeup had smeared and she had tear stains on her cheeks. I quickly hugged her tightly, asking not of what was wrong. Whatever it was, I knew she wouldn't speak.

I sat there for a few hours, in silence with Sohyun. Soon came quiet words from Sohyun.

"W-wooseok... Mum found out."

"What? When!?"

"Just a few days after you left... She- she made me get an abortion."

"It's not her choice, noona. Tell her no."

"I... I can't. It's already happened."

I staggered back. What? No... I felt the tears rush down my face as I hugged my sister tighter. "I'm sorry, Sohyun..."

She stood up and rubbed her eyes. "What do I do, Wooseok... I can't stay here any longer. Not near her...."

"Where's mum now?"

Sohyun sniffled, before telling me that she had left to the bar prior to my return. I hugged her once more and ran out of the house.

I found my mother at a bar and pushed her to the side of the club, where it was quiet.

"Mum, what the hell did you do to Sohyun."


"You fucking...."

My mum laughed. "Please, I had no choice. No way i'm having a slut of a daughter as well as a gay son."

I stood dumbfounded. My mother smirked. "Yes, I know." She let out a strange laugh, before continuing, "Any other parent would have straight up disowned you both. Be happy i've been so generous to you."

"No, mum.. That's just you. I can't believe..." At a loss of words, I ran home. It was almost midday, so I got some street food for my sister. I returned to my house, finding a letter. From my Adachi.

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