MonsterSwap AU

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Basically Underswap, but not personalities or anything, just the literal bodies. Ex. Toriel's still in the Ruins, Flowey still becomes Mega Flowey (but in this case Mega Temmie), You still go on a date with Papyrus in the Pacifist run.
In Underswap, Sans makes tacos instead of Papyrus making spaghetti, but here, Sans' BODY (still Papyrus) makes spaghetti. That sounds weird but idc.

Toriel is a goat, (with a body shaped more like Asgore) swapped with Asgore, a goat, (with a body shaped more like Toriel.)

Sans is a skeleton, (with a body shaped more like Papyrus) swapped with Papyrus, a skeleton, (with a body shaped more like Sans.)

Grillby is a spider, swapped with Muffet, a fire monster.

Aaron is a fish-like monster, swapped with Shyren, a horse/mermaid monster. (I think you get the idea anyway.)

Alphys is a fish monster, swapped with Undyne, a lizard monster.

Mettaton is a ghost, swapped with Napstablook, a robot.

Flowey is a Temmie, (still called Flowey,) swapped with the Temmies, which are Floweys, (but they are still called Temmies.)

Frisk and Chara...they just switch skin colours, face expressions, outfits.

Monster Kid is a goatchild, swapped with Asriel, a dinosaur-like monster.

(Mad Dummy and Dummy are very much alike so I'll just leave them be.)

Bratty is a bunny, swapped with RG 01, a crocodile-like monster, while Catty is a dragon, swapped with RG 02, a cat-like monster.


I realize this is very, very similar to Underswap, but it is a little different. Yes, I got quite a few ideas from that AU, ex. the switches, and I do not take credit for those ideas. Half-credit to whoever made Underswap, please. I did, however, think of the idea of just the monster switches myself, so...yeah.

And yes, I also know that the first two are swapped with the same monsters (Goat/goat, Skele/skele) -_-

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