Unknown AU (UAU)

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This AU focuses a lot on Sans and Frisk.  

An AU where Papyrus is always dead, no matter what.

This one is actually going to change the plot some.

Frisk is a good yet ignorant human, that falls underground, like in normal Undertale.
Instead of "choosing," or whatever, to do genocide, they are a completely pacifist human; the only time they do genocide is when Chara possesses them, which is quite a lot.

There are no pacifist runs.

In the neutral route, Chara possesses Frisk and makes them walk past and ignore everything and everyone; Flowey, Toriel, and any enemies they encounter they successfully run from.

When they get to Papyrus, they kill him. Then, if Frisk is strong enough, Chara is expelled from them. The rest of the run is the pacifist route, but they have some LV.

Genocide is similar. The human ignores everything, kills Papyrus, and continues to do the genocide route until the end.

Frisk doesn't quite remember past runs. They only know what route they took. They don't remember characters clearly enough to notice if someone's not there.

Frisk, being determined, thinks that if they can just reset once more, they can become strong enough to expel Chara in the beginning and do a pacifist run. They haven't been able to yet.

At the beginning of this universe's existence, Frisk doesn't know that Sans knows the resets. (If they were to pay more attention, they could clearly see that he does.) That's why they don't stop resetting.

Later on, Sans is no longer there. Frisk, not being able to clearly remember characters (and also being ignorant as crap), does not notice his leave.

Sans left his universe because of Papyrus always being dead. He never goes back there, but instead is intent on learning other universes and remembering who's which Sans, if they have a Papyrus, what their world is like, and what relationships they have with other Sanses, if any at all.

Due to him being gone, his world becomes corrupted and glitched. It loses its colour. Sans is still part of that universe, so (naturally) he goes colour blind and will sometimes lose his own colour, glitch to another spot, or phase through the ground if he's uncomfortable or panicking. 

Normally a Sans would hide their depression through puns and jokes. UAU!Sans does not, as he has no motivation to. (Why hide it when they're just going to find out anyway?) This causes many others he has met in his travels turn him away, which makes him distrusting and cautious around new people. 

He is easily startled, which comes from how many times he has fought Chara/Frisk. Certain phrases may cause him to go into a rampage and destroy things, as those have been said by Chara/Frisk. A couple of these phrases include:
-"Ready?" (said by Chara/Frisk before the battle begins on a genocide run)
-"Are you okay?" (said by Neutral Frisk upon meeting Sans after killing Papyrus)

Sans dislikes being around Frisks, more so than Charas, because he sees and hears more Frisk than he does Chara (Chara only really speaks through Frisk at the beginning of the battle, and even then it's still Frisk's voice).

Other Sanses don't bother him that much, except the happy ones like Underswap!Sans. (The little fucker never shuts up!)

He absolutely hates touching anyone. He will usually hum before speaking, or will simply hesitate and think over his words before saying them aloud. He does not allow himself to stutter (which is where humming and hesitating comes from), except when he's hiding something and glitching out.

He might take certain things seriously or take things out of context. He often uses metaphors when he talks.

He's slightly taller than Classic Sans, and a bit leaner too. His sweater is a dull blue and he wears slightly tighter shorts than Classic. On his feet are soft-grey sneakers.

This AU was partly (like, half of it) made by:  friskydetermined (I MADE THE TAG WORK BRO)

 If you have any questions or suggestions. PM me or something and yeah.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2017 ⏰

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