WSSS social-media coordinator

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This is how a typical conversation between you and a WSSS social-media coordinator may go:

You: "hi, I am an WSSS member. Can you post about my book on the wsss Twitter page, please?"

social-media coordinator: "I can. Does your book have our WSSS tag and WSSS sticker on the cover?"

You: "yes it does!"

social-media coordinator: "great. Send me the link. What's the quote your want me to include in the tweet?"

You: "It's the end of the world, how will Anne save her family?"

social-media coordinator: "great. I will tweet your book today?"

Below are our blog social-media coordinators.

They are here to make sure that every ambassador is following o social media, i.e Twitter and Instagram and that you like our Facebook page.

Message one about it about a book you'd like them to post about for you. If they want to post about your book on Twitter or Instagram or Facebook, they'll do it as long as you're following their rules.

Don't rush them, they're in charge. You would be wise to remain patient.



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