Chapter 18

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Robbie's POV
She said yes!

Last night was probably the best night ever. Even jared made a "friend".

We didn't want the night to end! At 5:00 we all fell asleep. And woke up at 12:00. We all went to Starbucks and planned to go to five guys tomorrow.

When they left I nudged Jared. He was bright red. It was adorable! Now I can bug him when he tries to embarrass me. What else are friends for?

In a week our vacation would end and we would have to go back to set. Then we would be busy for a whole month. I didn't want to go though it's like hardly seeing anybody but the cast. And you get no sleep, I suppose it must be harder on Jared, since he's only 13.

"Might end up filming in Los Angeles instead!" The director texted me.

Crap. I showed Jared and I texted back "I think we should stay here"

No way were we leaving Vancouver.. Not now.

Junes POV
My sister wouldn't stop talking about Jared. I guess it's better then going crazy over Robbie when they never met. I just smile, and when we get home she runs to her room and starts dancing.

We always loved dancing. Tomorrow we were all going to five guys. I told her to talk to Jared about her passion for horses. I took 2 showers and the syrup still hasn't completely come off yet.

We all made a group chat and again wouldn't stop talking. Jared and Robbie told us about the craziest fan encounters they've ever had.

I couldn't help but laugh. The things people go crazy for people they hardly know just cause of they're career. Honestly it was kinda pathetic.

Then again I had my fair share of fangirling over hot guys. So all is understood.

I felt like singing after that so I started to sing summertime sadness. Next thing I know they start talking about a video my sister sent them.

OH NO SHE DIDNT. She recorded me and sent it to them?! I swear Melissa I'm going to kill you! She giggled "CATCH ME" we both ran around the house.

That kid had a lot of energy in her she ran for 15 minutes. She recorded that to sent it to them.

At least I wasn't singing. But they didn't really care.

I finally catch her. "When mom and dad come back what are we gonna say?" She asks quietly. "Just say we're hanging with friends no biggie" I say reassuring her.

But she was right. They would forbid this because they were selfish fools. Honestly being alone with her was really all I need.

I haven't cut ever since I met Robbie. I haven't been so happy in my life. Nobody is taking it away from me especially my parents.

I knew next week they would have to start filming. I was a bit disappointed but they were actors after all.

Besides they'd still have time, and we can visit their trailer.

At least they'd be in Vancouver! I check the clock it's 10:00 we both go to sleep because we don't wanna wake up an hour before we go to eat.

I smile in my sleep. Look at the irony of all this? I haven't even gotten a text from those bullies. Life is much better when you have something special in your life to live for.

A/N: hey guys! I hope you like it so far! I love you all actually :* follow me on ig if you want lol @panfanjeremys and @jaredsgilmorefacts (: thankssss love y'all (:

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