Chapter the Seventh

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Chapter the Seventh

Karasu yawned. "It's late, you know."

"Yeah." Chihaya leaned against his shoulder. "I can't sleep."

"It's no use being angry about Makoto's abilities."

"I have the Rune Eyes too! Why couldn't I fight her off?!"

"Fire is made to destroy. Ice is made to cover. There's a reason the two elements are so against each other."

Chihaya grunted. "It makes me mad," she muttered. She glanced down at her hand, clamped tightly around Karasu's. He rubbed her palm gently. "…tell me something."

"Yes, Mistress?"

"Call me Chihaya." The Flame Witch looked up at a monitor, tuned in to the camera that showed Makoto's quarters. The Ice Witch was sound asleep.

"Yes, Chihaya?"

"…why did you defend her?"


"When we sparred, you offered me no encouragement, but that girl…" Chihaya gritted her teeth. "Why did you defend her?"

"Because she's more powerful than you." Karasu glanced over at his mate, face perfectly neutral. "You've seen it. Admit it; without her, we could never beat the light wizards."

"You doubt my strength?!"

"I don't doubt your strength, I just understand hers."

Chihaya growled. "I hate it when you talk like that," she said under her breath. "I hate it when you think of anyone other than me. I hate it."

"You're always so jealous," Karasu sighed. "Relax, Chihaya. You know I was made for you."

"But is that the only reason why you're so loyal? I see how you are with the others. Even the ones in Mondenkind; just last week you were flirting up a storm with that Stone Witch! I saw it!"

"I'm known for deceiving people into thinking I care." Karasu smirked. "But I assure you, with you it's no scam."

"And with the others?"

"Just a game. You know I love games."

Chihaya was silent for a moment.

Karasu looked over at her. "Chihaya?"

Chihaya faced him back. "…I'm fine," she muttered.

Karasu offered a smile. "You're a horrible liar, you know. I think I could give you lessons."

"Ha, ha." Chihaya sighed. "…tell me you love me."

"I love you."

"Like you mean it!"

Karasu's face grew serious. He cupped Chihaya's cheek in his hand gently. The Flame Witch leaned into his hand, smiling. "I love you," he repeated. Chihaya lurched in and pressed her lips firmly against his, not caring if she fell out of her chair in the process. Karasu allowed only a moment of pause before sliding his arms around her and kissing her back.

"You're certainly anxious tonight," he murmured upon pulling back.

"Even the Grand Witch gets lonely sometimes," Chihaya whispered back. "Now close the curtain. I don't need any unwanted attention."

"As you wish, Chihaya." Karasu's shadows covered the duo from outside interference, as the blue-haired witch slowly leaned in again.


Yayoi stared at the ceiling. "I can't sleep," she announced to no one in particular.

"I can see that." Takane was suddenly revealed from the shadows of Yayoi's darkened room. Yayoi jumped, surprised, but she relaxed when she realized it was Takane. Takane smiled and took a seat on Yayoi's bed. "Is something the matter?"

"I just…have this weird feeling," Yayoi admitted. "…Takane-san, could you tell me a story?"

"Certainly," Takane agreed. "Hm…how about this? Once upon a time, in a village near the prestigious wizard school known as NamukoAcademy, a young girl was born to two loving parents. She was told she was a prodigy, destined to become a great wizard…but because of her abilities, she often frightened the other children." Takane's face became solemn. Yayoi sat up in her bed and leaned against the bedframe, listening.

"Despite her loneliness, the girl continued to practice her wizard powers until she was one day noticed and brought to the academy to further her abilities. While there, she met some people…people who promised to accept her and love her no matter what. These people became the most important people in the world to the young girl."

"Who were these people?" Yayoi asked.

Takane smiled at her. "It's a secret," she answered in a hushed tone. Yayoi smiled back. She had been warned about this aspect of Takane's personality, after all.

Takane's wide smile faded slightly. "…but the time came when a vicious enemy launched their first attack on NamukoAcademy. The girl used the powers she had, the shadow abilities she alone could use, to fight them off, but…it was not enough. The people she had come to love were hurt. They were in danger. And so the young girl had a choice to make…"

Yayoi leaned forward in her bed. Takane frowned and looked out Yayoi's window at the moon.

"…She could show the true extent of her powers. She could provide nightmares, horrible, dark creatures from the depth of the night. She could scare the enemy away—and her friends, as well—or she could do nothing and allow the enemy to kill them all. Summoning her courage and her dull anger at these people for threatening the peace she'd come to love, she unleashed her full potential. She scared the enemy away, and was able to defend her precious friends. She was afraid that they would reject her, but instead she received praise for her work. The young girl was ecstatic and promised to never again doubt the loyalty of her dear friends. The end."

"That was a nice story," Yayoi said. She thought for a moment. "…was it about you? Are you the young girl in the story?"

Takane's smile returned and she giggled that light, fluffy giggle that Yayoi still thought should belong to someone else. "That, dear Shining Prodigy, is a secret," she responded. She stood. "It could be me, it could be Hibiki, it could be the Shadow Mage before me…why, it could be a completely fabricated story about no one in particular. The possibilities are endless."

"Well, if it was about you…" Yayoi paused and grinned. "I think you're an amazing person, Takane-san."

Takane turned towards her and patted her head. "And I think you are an amazing young girl," she murmured. "Sleep well, Takatsuki Yayoi. And remember that as long as you have friends who will protect you no matter what, there is no way you can lose."

Yayoi beamed. "Yes, thank you!"

"No…thank you." Takane dipped her head and moved towards the door. Yayoi waved at her. Takane waved back before sliding out into the hallways.

Yayoi lay back down and got comfortable in her bed. After Takane's story and her quick pep talk, sleep came easier than ever.

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