Chapter the Nineteenth

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Chapter the Nineteenth

Ordinarily, the sudden appearance of a Flame Mage and a light wizard in Dark Kikuchi Makoto's room would have warranted an instant attack and blood on the floors. But today, Dark Makoto was in no mood to kill.

She hid her face in her crab pillow, refusing to let Iori and Yayoi see her the way she was. Her eyes were red from crying, her sheets were wet, and she was near-positive there was snot coming out of her nose. Iori and Yayoi approached her bedside, Iori in front, and then paused.

"We've come to extend an invitation," Iori began. "Dark Makoto, you have been offered a chance to attend a memorial service presented by the Grand Mage of Ice, Kisaragi Chihaya, at NamukoAcademy, tonight."

"And you think I'll come?" Makoto sniffled and reached for a tissue on her nightstand.

"You've lost someone you love," Yayoi reminded her. "Isn't that a good reason to go?"

"…why are you really inviting me?" Makoto spat. "So you can launch some sort of ambush? I won't fall for something like that."

Yayoi didn't say a word; instead, she crawled into the bed and lay down, resting her cheek on Dark Makoto's and draping her arm over the older girl. Dark Makoto lay perfectly still.

"You don't get it, do you?" Iori sighed. "This moron here felt bad for you, and Chihaya had the same stupid thoughts, so they thought it might be a good idea to invite you to join our service. That's all there is to it."

"I'm your biggest threat."

"Are you?" Yayoi breathed. "We know Dark Azusa-san died."

Makoto winced.

"We're sorry. We wanted to protect her. You were there, right?"

"Of course." There was a pause. "…of course."

"I knew you still loved her." Yayoi giggled and snuggled against her. "Well, since they're…since they're both dead, I'm hoping you can let me care about you instead. I'll be like a little sister, right?"

"I can't let myself get soft again." Makoto moved the pillow away from her face. "…but if you insist, maybe I can show up. It'll give me a nice opportunity to scout for weaknesses."

Iori sniffed and tossed her hair. "I'll be watching you," she huffed. "Don't try anything stupid."

"I can overpower even your flames," Makoto remarked smugly. "Don't think you can get away with anything, Minase."

"Oh, shut up…!"

Yayoi rolled off of Dark Makoto and rose to her feet. Dark Makoto slowly crawled out of bed.

"Your hair's a mess," Iori commented.

"Your face will be a mess if you don't shut up," Makoto snapped back.

"It is true, though…" Yayoi nodded slowly. "Even dark magicians get bedhead, then."

"Don't think you're safe just because I've spared you so far," Makoto muttered. "…let's just get out of here."

"U-uun…! Dark Makoto-san, I have a request before we go!"

The Ice Queen blinked.

Yayoi grinned and held out her hand. "High touch~, Dark Makoto-san~!"

Dark Makoto stared at her hand for a while. Yayoi just stood there grinning and waiting until Dark Makoto decided it was OK to oblige to Yayoi's request and responded with a half-hearted high touch. This seemed good enough for Yayoi, who giggled and walked towards the window. Iori slid it open.

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