Chapter the Twenty-Fifth

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Chapter the Twenty-Fifth

Chihaya sat on her beloved waterbed, which had recently been restored along with the rest of NamukoAcademy after a team of carpenters and stonemasons put the tower back together. With her were all of the surviving wizards and mages: Ami and Mami and their mage, Iori; Hibiki and Takane; Makoto, Ryo, and Yukiho; Yayoi and Ai; Eri; and Ritsuko. Dark Makoto had been taken into the academy as one of their own, but the stress of using two ultra-strong abilities at once had been enough to near immobilize her for even this long.

Chihaya looked out over her audience. They had been through many hardships, but at least one mage of each element still stood. She had been glad to hear that Makoto and Yukiho had been able to float everyone to safety, and the only casualty caused by the building had been that of one of the scholars who had visited to learn about the wizard lifestyle. The rest had either been killed by Dark Makoto or Karasu.

"There are some extremely important things to discuss," Chihaya began quietly. "Now that we have all the Mondenkind wizards, not to mention Dark Makoto, the strongest magician currently in existence, on our side, our academy can begin to blossom again. It has been rebuilt beautifully, don't you think?"

The wizards and mages assembled (and the few lesser witches who had come to witness the meeting) nodded and murmured to themselves. Yayoi stepped closer to Iori, who took her hand with a smile.

"But there are things that must be taken care of," Chihaya continued, her face grave. "I have been weakened greatly by Dark Chihaya's death, and thus, can no longer be your Grand Mage."

The mages and some wizards gasped. Iori seemed skeptical.

Chihaya nodded gravely. "I have decided to pass this title on to a great friend of mine. She has been a brilliant and capable mage for as long as I can remember, and she will run our academy beautifully with my support. As you may understand, this title would ordinarily fall to someone like Dark Makoto, who is very deserving of being the current reigning Grand Witch. But I do not feel comfortable leaving my academy in her hands just yet."

A murmur of agreement spread throughout the room.

"...Minase Iori-san, come to me."

Iori blinked, then her face brightened and she hurriedly walk-jogged to Chihaya. "Y-yes, Grand Mage!"

Chihaya smiled slightly. "I am not the Grand Mage anymore," she said slyly. "You are."

Iori gasped and beamed widely. "You mean it? Oh, I knew I was the best mage ever~! Nihihi~!"

Chihaya smiled wider. "Give me your hands."

"Yes!" Iori obeyed, placing her hands in Chihaya's.

Chihaya looked into her eyes. "Minase Iori-san, Flame Mage of Namuko Academy, the Passionate Flame. I hereby proclaim you as the new Grand Mage of Namuko Academy. May your passion for the academy and strength in combat blaze the path for a long and prosperous reign."

Iori squealed in delight. "Yes, Gran—Ice Mage Chihaya!" she corrected herself. "I won't let our academy down!"

"I know." Chihaya giggled. "...Takatsuki Yayoi-san, please come here."

Yayoi approached Chihaya.

Chihaya looked into her eyes. "As custom calls, the previous Grand Mage must finish up the day as Grand Mage once she has handed over her position. She continues to give charges and orders until the next day, when she must officially step down as Grand Mage. Which means that this task is up to me."

Yayoi nodded.

"You are aware that we do not have a Sun Mage anymore," Chihaya said. " Miki's student, you learned all that she had to offer. You are perfectly suited to be a mage. So...I ask you to place your hands in mine."

Yayoi seemed sad, but she nodded again and placed her hands in Chihaya's. "Yes, Ice Mage Chihaya-san."

Chihaya smiled brightly at her. "Dear Takatsuki-san, you have proven your blinding abilities as a brilliant prodigy at our school, so I ask that you continue to serve us as a mage. From now on, you are the Sun Mage of NamukoAcademy, the Shining Prodigy, Takatsuki Yayoi-san. May your radiant soul shine as bright as the sun during your long run as mage."

Yayoi grinned. "...Chihaya-san, thank you very much! High touch!" she cheered, removing her hands from Chihaya's to give her a high touch. Chihaya grinned back and fulfilled her request.

NamukoAcademy will never fade.


"I thought I'd find you here."

Dark Makoto looked up from Dark Azusa's tombstone, slightly startled by Yayoi's voice. She turned around.

"Your hair's out now," she observed. "It's not in those pigtails anymore."

"I'm the new Sun Mage, so I thought I should look a bit more professional~," Yayoi giggled. "You noticed."

"It's not hard." Dark Makoto smiled. "Congratulations."

"I thought you couldn't move."

"I can walk. I just can't use my powers yet. Nothing too fancy, at least. I can still form weapons and melt ice."

"I thought melting ice was fancy."

"You think too much."

Yayoi sat beside her, settling into a period of silence. Dark Makoto reached for her hand. Yayoi let her take it. She smiled.

"It's so peaceful without Dark Chihaya-san around," she sighed. "We can finally be around each other without fear."

"Yeah," Dark Makoto agreed. "'s nice."

"Yeah, it is..."

There was another long period of silence.

"So the academy's fixed."

"Uh-huh. A bunch of villagers teamed up with Ritsuko-san to fix it. They've got a new dungeon too. Same place, just a little fancier."

"I still find it interesting that your school has a dungeon."

"Yeah, me too..." Yayoi giggled. "Karasu-san is the only person down there right now. We're running low on guards, but all the ones we have are stationed there."

"I also find it interesting how completely you trust me," Makoto commented. "It's a risky move, to tell me all your secrets."

"I don't have any reason not to trust you." Yayoi looked across at her and smiled brightly. Makoto smiled back—a real smile, the first one Yayoi had ever seen from her.

"I like you, kid," Dark Makoto admitted. "You're gonna be a great mage."

"Thank you. I'm sure you'll make a great Grand Witch."


Yayoi giggled. Makoto joined in with a small chuckle.

They returned to silence. Yayoi scooted closer and planted a light kiss on Dark Makoto's cheek, leaning against her shoulder. Dark Makoto smiled. Yayoi let out a happy sigh.

"...I love you, Onee-chan," she breathed.

Dark Makoto looked down at her. "...I love you too, Yayoi."

" Namuko Academy."

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