The Akwardness of Magnus - Featuring Dumbledore

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ShadowHuntaGal - Clarissa Fray 

BangaWarloc - Magnus Bane 

H0Twarrior - Jace Herondale 

WiSerThanYouwillEVERBE - Dumbledore



ShadowHuntaGal entered the chatroom.

H0Twarrior entered the chatroom.


H0Twarrior: Where's Simon? 

ShadowHuntaGal: How am I meant to know, I don't stalk him. 

H0Twarrior: Ah.. Yeah, sorry, he's just always here and I... 

ShadowHuntaGal: you're jealous? 

H0Twarrior: No! 

ShadowHuntaGal: you are, admit it. You're jealous of Simon! 

H0Twarrior: But, well... It's just... I dunno... 

ShadowHuntaGal: Jace, we're friends, Simon and I, you know that. It's like Isabelle and you. 

H0Twarrior: Yes but the way he looks at you! 

ShadowHuntaGal: Care to elaborate? 

H0Twarrior: No

BangaWarloc entered the chatroom.


BangaWarloc: Hello darling. 

H0Twarrior: Magnus, Alec isn't here. 

BangaWarloc: Well, that's awkward isn't it... 

ShadowHuntaGal: What's with your username? BangaWarloc? 

BangaWarloc: you know, Bang a Warlock... 

H0Twarrior: you want someone to bang you? 

BangaWarloc: Heavens yes! 

ShadowaHuntaGal: preferably male... Seeing as you are gay? 

BangaWarloc: Heavens no! I'll take a boy or girl!  

H0Twarrior: Now you've set him off Clary... 

BangaWarloc: I do love boys with black hair and blue eyes... So pretty in their own way. 

H0Twarrior: Ha! I have blonde hair! 

BangaWarloc: Yes but your great grandfather had black hair and blue eyes. Quite like you he was. 

H0Twarrior: um... You knew my great grandfather? Which one? Herondale, Morgenstern, Wayland or Lightwood? 

BangaWarloc: You have too many surnames boy! But to answer that, I was talking about the Herondale but I have also met the Lightwood and Wayland. Oh! And Clary, I met your great grandmother! 

ShadowHuntaGal: hehe...

ShadowHuntaGal left the chatroom.

WiSerThanYouwillEVERBE entered the chatroom.


WiSerThanYouwillEVERBE: Hello my friends, how art thou? 

BangaWarloc: Are you gay? 

H0Twarrior: what sort of question is that? 

BangaWarloc: I just wanted to know! I like gay people! 

H0Twarrior: eugh! Please. Enough already! 

WiSerThanYouwillEVERBE: Fancy a lemon sherbet? 

H0Twarrior: This is a chat room... Unless you plan to give us virtual ones... 

BangaWarloc: Oh how I do love virtual lemon sherbets! I collect them! 

WiSerThanYouwillEVERBE: I'm magical. I can do whatever the hell I want. 

BangaWarloc: I'm a warlock too! (see, it says in my name *wink* *wink* *in whisper* the other boy is an evil demon hunter!) 

H0Twarrior: Magnus, you do realize even if you put *in whisper* and in brackets it makes no difference, I can still read what you're saying 

WiSerThanYouwillEVERBE: Hohoho. 

BangaWarloc: Can we date? 

H0Twarrior: Magnus, you're dating Alec. 

BangaWarloc: Yes but we've never agreed to date exclusively... 

H0Twarrior: Wouldn't you assume you are dating exclusively? 

BangaWarloc: Stop making things awkward! 

WiSerThanYouwillEVERBE: I already have Grindelward 

BangaWarloc: Oh you teaser! 

H0Twarrior: This is crap, I'm going to go do something useful. 

BangaWarloc: like? 

H0Twarrior: Find my toad keyring

H0Twarrior left the chatroom.


BangaWarloc: THAT'S MY TOAD KEYRING HERONDALE! Or Lightwood! Or Morgenstern! Or Wayland! Damn! Pick a surname already. 

WiSerThanYouwillEVERBE: Dumbledore. 

BangaWarloc: No, no, he can't have your surname! Oooh! I know your surname, I can stalk you! Never fear! Magnus will be near! Or far... Depending on where the closest gay person is. 

WiSerThanYouwillEVERBE: meeeeeeeeeee 

BangaWarloc: Yes, yes, I know you're gay. Dang... Mum's home. I thought she died 58 years ago...

BangaWarloc left the chat room.


WiSerThanYouwillEVERBE: hello? Anyone else still here? 

RandomPerson28: Only me, your personal stalker...

BangaWarloc entered the chat room.


BangaWaloc: Mother! 

RandomPerson28: Ah! Coming, Magnus darling!

RandomPerson28 left the chatroom.

BangaWarloc left the chatroom.

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