Who thought Neferet could get high?

440 6 2

Error2sxy- Kalona

I_keep_dying- Stark

hottymisshottyneffy- Neferet


Error2sxy entered the chatroom.

I_keep_dying entered the chatroom.

Error2sxy: Hello!! Is Neferet Here??? If you are neffy, I apologise for ignoring you earlier!!! I was High!!!

I_keep_dying: Bahahaha ROFLMAFO!!! YOU got HIGH!!!! lololololololololol!!!!

Error2sxy: NOOO!!!! of course not!!!

I_keep_dying: Really! So you didn't eat the cake that the twins gave you?

Error2sxy: I DID! I didn't want to waste a perfectly good cake!

I_keep_dying: I know what was in it, therefore, if you ate it you became drunk, high and on a sugar rush.

Error2sxy: Damn... 

I_keep_dying: Yep! So... What did you do???

Error2sxy: Not Saying!!!!!

I_keep_dying: Oh well, it's not like anyone hasn't read it! It's ALL over the internet!

Error2sxy: Shyt...

I_keep_dying: So, How are you and Neferet? Is she talking to you?

Error2sxy: She bit me one the ass... and got me high again...

I_keep_dying: LOL!!! Get her high! She'll never know the difference!!!

Error2sxy: GOOD IDEA DUDE!!!

I_keep_dying: IKR!!!

Error2sxy: DONE!!! OMG!!! She's going physco!!! 

I_keep_dying: Epic! Get her on chat! I wanna hear what she's like High!

Error2sxy: KK!!!!!!!

hottymisshottyneffy entered the chatroom.

hottymisshottyneffy: GUESSSS WHAT!!!!!!

Error2sxy: What babe??

hottymisshottyneffy: I Bit Kalona On The Ass!!!! HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE he got bit by a Vampyre!!!! hehehehhehehehe The Angel is BLEEEEEEEDING!!!!!

I_keep_dying: LOL! This is Going ALL over the internet!!!

hottymisshottyneffy: WWWWWWOOOOOOOHHHHHHHOOOOOOOO Hell yeah!!! I am going to be soooooo popular!!!! THE WORLD WILL BE MINE!!! and I will fill it with magic mushrooms!!!

Error2sxy: Errrr.... that wasn't the plan babe! I thought we were going to rule the world together so that you could be queen and be taken really seriously without people doubting you, and I could be King and get free... um... play time???? I'm trying to keep under the age restriction, otherwise I'll get blocked for a week.

I_keep_dying: hahahahhahahahahhahahahaha!!!!! NO one will take Neferet seriously now!!!!

hottymisshottyneffy: BABEBABEBABEBABEBABEBABEBABEBABEBABEBABEBABEB!! hello ^O^ LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL! Less than 3 is just a tease..... You know the REST!!!!!

Error2sxy: Oh Nyx....

I_keep_dying: OMN!!! I know the rest of that.... EWWWW!!! coming from a High Priestess!!! It's fine when Zoey starts it, but NEFERET!?!?!??! BLECH!!!! WHAT IS SHE!?!?!?!?! 50!?!?!?!?

hottymisshottyneffy: GIGGITY, GIGGITY ALL THE WAY!

Error2sxy: How is Zoey? Oh!!! I can see her tonight!!!! She'll LOVE it!!!!


hottymisshottyneffy: OMN!!!! THERE IS AN ANGEL IN THE ROOM ACROSS THE HALL!!!!!

Error2sxy: That's me babe....... What about me, and Heath??? We'll be back with her soon, and she'll want us more than you, so what ya gonna do? HuH PuNk!?!?!?

I_keep_dying: Well at least I'm bound to her!!!!

Error2sxy: A bond that can easily be broken with your death... it will be a great tragedy!

I_keep_dying: Zoey will hate you if you kill me!

Error2sxy: She already does, it makes no difference! And since when has how someone felt stopped me from getting what I want?

I_keep_dying: Err... Since now???

Error2sxy: NEVER!!!! U SHALL DIE!!!!!!!!

I_keep_dying: Well, then... I'll kill Neferet!!!

Error2sxy: YAYYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE do!!!!!!!!! I will finally bee FREEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hottymisshottyneffy: WHAT!?! you...you...you...you BITCH!!!!

I_keep_dying: someones not getting lucky tonight!

Error2sxy: /).-)

hottymisshottyneffy: Oohhhhhh!!!! Loookkkk!!!! theres a Butterfly!!!!

I_keep_dying: Neferet! Go and chase that butterfly! It took your blood!

Hottymisshottyneffy: KK!!! BBYYYYEEEEE!!!!!

hottymisshottyneffy left the chatroom.

I_keep_dying: Thank Nyx she's gone!!!!

Error2sxy: Thank you!!! She's left the room now!! I never thought that this would happen!!!

I_keep_dying: Your welcome! Bye!!!

Error2sxy: Don't leave me!!!! i'll be all alone again!!!!

I_keep_dying left the chatroom.

Error2sxy: Oh well...

Error2sxy left the chatroom.

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