Chapter 2: Years gone by...

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Chapter 2: Years gone by...


Felix's P.O.V

I hugged my mother tightly, kissing her forehead lightly. She wiped some tears away from her eyes and smiled sweetly. "I love you, Felix." She kissed my cheek and patted my back.

"I love you too, mom." I smiled and picked up my bags. She opened up the door for me. I nodded and walked out the door.

"Don't forget to call us!" I rolled my eyes playfully and turned back to give her a smile.

"I won't forget."

She gave me one more smile before shutting the door. I opened my car door and threw my bags into the backseat. I hopped into the front seat and started the car.

Today was the day I moved into an apartment with my beautiful Italian girlfriend, Marzia. We've been planning this for over a year now and we finally get to be together. I pulled out of my drive way and onto the street. I glanced over at my home, well old home and smile.

I parked in the parking lot of the apartments and got out of my car. I opened the backseat and pulled out my bags and briskly walked across the lot and over to the apartments. I looked up at them trying to remember the room number we were in.

Room 23!

I walked around the apartments looking for my number.

20...21...22...23...24- Wait!

I turned to room 23 and smile pulling out the key and unlocking the room. I walked in and set my bags down by the door and took my shoes off. I walked around the good sized apartment with a smile. The couch, Tv, beds, and everything else was already here. I breathed out a happy sigh.

I heard the door open and in walked Marzia with her bags. She looked at me and smiled softly. "For a second there I thought you were a burglar." She chuckled quietly and set her bags down next to mine. I walked up to her and peaked her lips softly.

"I'll bring your bags to your bags to your room." Her face flustered slightly and she nodded with a quick thank you. I picked Marzia's and my bags up and walked to her room, set her bags down, and walked to my room. I placed my bags on the bed and began to unpack.

"Felix, I'm going to go shop for food do you want anything in particular?" She asked walking into my room.

"No, I'm good." I smiled and she nodded walking away. I heard the door open and close. I turned back to my bags and started unpacking.

About a half an hour later I was almost done unpacking. I looked at the last bag and unzipped it. I looked in and saw a small box with a sticky note on it.

'Remember when we went to the amusement park?'

Is what the note said and I looked at the box. I quickly opened it and looked in. A white doll layed at the bottom. Its once white fabric was now a gray dusty color. I frowned slightly starring at the doll. I carefully pulled it out and blew on it getting some of the dust off. My eyes widened slightly seeing the doll my father won for me when I was younger. I haven't seen this doll in years...Did my m save it that long?

Its blank poker face stared up at me. It was about the size of my palm. Its one black hair curled at the end. I smiled gently hugging the plushy against my chest. I leaned back on my bed and shut my eyes, Remembering that day. The memory was a bit fussy but I could some what remember it. I cuddled the small doll close to me like a child would do, and I fell asleep.


I woke up in a pitch black room. I looked around to see if there was a light.


I groaned and got up from the black floor. Skimming the black room.

"Hello?" I called out. It echoed like when your in a tunl. I raisef a brow.

"Hi," Someone said behind me softly.

I quickly turned around to be greeted by nothing. I scrunched my brows in confusion.

"Where are you?"

"Over here, friend." Someone said farther away.

I followed the voice.


"Right in front of you." It whispered in my ear. My eyes widened seeing a guy maybe about my age with a white poker faced mask on. That face where did I see that before?

"Hey, friend?" He waved his pale hand in front of my face. I jumped back slightly suprised. He chuckled a low chuckle and walked closer to me. "It's been a while! How long?" He tapped his white mask thinking. "Ah yes! 14 years." He hissed the last part. I shuffled back slowly. Scared of what this man could do. He walked up closer to me at the same speed I was walking. "Why did you leave me, Felix?" He sounded hurt. I gulped and opened my mouth to say something. "You left me to be with someone else...Why?"

I frowned. "I don't even know you." I whispered.

"You don't know me...?"  He stopped walking. "But we were so close..."

"If you were so close I'd remember you."

He looked down at his feet. "But were together right now."


I woke up with a jolt. Looking around. Then I heard a soft 'thump' on the floor. I glanced over the side of my bed and saw the white plushy laying on the floor face down. I gently picked it up and looked at it. I smiled softly and held it again leaning back down and stared at the ceiling remembering the dream bit by bit. Where did I see that face from? I thought for a second and my eyes widened. I looked at the doll. Same poker face. It stared blankly at me. I sighed and placed it on my night stand next to my bed. I looked at the clock.


I groaned and rolled onto my side shutting my eyes tightly trying to go back to sleep.

This'll be hard...

The Stuffed Doll (PewdieCry Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora