Chapter 6~New Recruits

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~New Recruits~

I woke up with burnt trees all around me and rocks scattered all across the floor. My head was pounding and I could hear bickering in the distance.

"Get your hands off me you big Gorilla! I can walk perfectly fine!"

"No you can't! Your leg is broken and I've said that 10 times already!"

Walking towards the commotion, I'm too stunned to move when I see Marika, being carried bridal style by none other than, the one-the only, Kanda Yuu.

A smirk spreads across my face, "Well. Look what Yuu found himself."

I can almost taste his rage in the air, "Don't call me that! It's bad enough I had to put up with one of you but now I have to deal with your twin here."

At that, Marika growled in his face. His further complaining brings me this sweet joy.

"How 'bout you two head to town square. I'm going home to get the bags we've forgotten." I shout despite my pounding migraine.

Marika began to throw a tantrum before she reached her hand out to me, as though I'd grab it and carry her off to safety, "No! Aimi! Don't do this to me! I can walk and my leg isn't that broken."

I mouth a quick 'sorry' and send a wink her way.

As I made my venture to the house, I could hear Marika complaining to Kanda to let her down and knowing that that was going to piss him off was a beautiful thought.


After my trip to get the bags, I found Kanda and Marika still arguing but now in the middle of town. Marika had her arms crossed, pout on, irritation at an untouchable level and she was leaning against a wall refusing to get picked up a second time.

I guess Kanda finally got fed up with carrying the girl.

I strut to them with all the bags in one hand a crutch in the other, "Marika, I found mom's old crutch. Thought you might want it."

"Thank you." Marika took it without hesitation and began to walk beside me.

Marika was rushing to keep up the pace as we began for the station. "So," She began, "What of this Innocence you two say I have."

So it seems someone snitched out that information.

Kanda was trudging slowly behind us and I felt it was a better time than ever to tell her everything about exorcists.

It took awhile and some unpleasant dragging but us three finally met up with all the others guys at the train station as planned. I got Marika introduced immediately. No one really questioned her too much but then again, there wasn't much to tell.

"Where are we going?" Marika asked.

"You'll see when we get there." Surprisingly, Kanda was the one to answer. Not surprisingly, he wasn't very nice about it.

"Well what if I want to know right now." She bit back with a glare.

"You're just going to have to suck it up because I'm not telling you. " He growls bringing his glare eye level with Marika's, there faces are only inches away from each other now.

"We're heading to the Black Order." I interrupted their little debut.

I'm pretty sure Kanda is looking at me with fire in his eyes for making him look stupid but I saw the opportunity and I took it with an evil gleam in my eye.

I wasn't sure if I really should have destroyed their 'moment' but the train was about to leave. Plus, I know listening to their banter would've made us miss it and I wasn't going to end up walking all the to the Black Order.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2018 ⏰

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