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A/N in the last book Matty had died and was rebirthed, I told you he had black eyes and was cold and distant. Its only gonna get worse from here. Please notice that this is fiction and I don't think Matty will die and become a demon anytime soon (Plus I'm an atheist)

Matty opened his eyes to find a painted looking Lennon wearing a small fitting cocktail dress. "How does she look Matthew?" Bernadette screeched with excitement. Matty breathed in and out with anger "What the fuck did you put on her?" He yelled grabbing Lennon's hand and yanking her to him "Matty it was just a-" "I don't give a fuck what it is she's not going to dress like a fucking prostitute!" Matty screamed interrupting Marie. Matty knew he may have been overreacting but his anger had gotten the best of him "We were just playing." Lennon spoke making Matty's head snap around to look at her "Playing?" Matty angrily laughed "Yes!" Lennon cried "Go to bed." Matty breathed. Lennon was too afraid to disobey and her hand was still in Matty's grip. Matty took her up to the attic where his old room was and told her to stay while he went down the stairs to scold his sisters." Don't touch her again." Matty warned the three girls shaking with fear "Matthew." Mama said climbing her way up the stairs "Mama we didn't mean to upset him." Acadia cried "Don't touch the girl again girls." Mama warned giving Matty a look of anger. Mama pulled him down into the kitchen once more and was preparing herself for a speech. "I understand why you're angry Matthew, and you can scold your sisters all you want, but if I ever hear you yelling at that little girl again I will make sure you never do it again, understand? She don't know any better Matthew." Mama said still giving Matthew the yes of anger "She makes me so angry, but at the same time I need her to keep me calm." Matty explained keeping his eyes glued to his feet. "Go up to her and say you're sorry." Mama said turning around and leaving the kitchen. Matty walked up the stairs with sorrow and regret until he reach his room. He walked in seeing a frightened Lennon waiting for him. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have yelled at you." Matty said laying beside her "No you shouldn't have." Lennon spoke moving closer to him. Matty felt bad for yelling at her. He knew it was in the heat of the moment and he deeply deeply regretted it. But, never the less, she clung to him as she drifted off to sleep. Matty watched her for a few moments before drifting off himself. An intense pain soared through the boy's body as his eyes turned black. Matthew screamed in pain making Lennon wake besides him and notice the familiar eyes she had seen before. "M?" Lennon asked the quiet boy who was looking in need of a doctor. "Fuck.'' He said staring at her. Lennon scooted away in fear of what could happen to her. Lennon's vision started to blur whilst looking away from him. She looked at him and it seems as if the dizzy spell was gone, until his eyes shed tears of crimson. She screamed falling and hitting her head on the hardwood floor. Matthew stood up smirking to himself almost as if he had won some type of game. Lennon heard the same ear piercing sound Theodora had once sung to her making her cover her ears and cry out in pain. "Baby girl." He taunted sending chills down her spine making her want to vomit. He grabbed her chin and made her look into his eyes. She sobbed trying her best to look away but his grip was to strong. All she saw was cold, dark eyes staring into hers and making her close her eyes.

"Lennon! Lennon!" Mama cried as she tried to wake the girl up. You see, Mama Loretta is an excellent gardener and loved roses. She had a cherished rose bush that she used as a memorial for her late husband Augustine. No one knew of it, not even Matthew (So she thought). So, in the early hours of the morning she didn't expect to find a girl lying in it. Thorns were up and down her body, they poked out of her like a sore thumb. "Matty!" Mama screamed running into the house. Matty slowly climbed down the stairs licking his lips to the thought of Lennon. "She's in my roses! She's bleeding help!" Mama cried. Matty was a good actor, in fact he was great. Pretending that he didn't know where Lennon was and acting like she was in pure danger was easy for him. "Who?" Matty asked trying to calm his mother down "Lennon, oh god Matty she looks so bad!" Mama cried. Matty's body stiffened as she cried into him. He quickly pulled her off him and ran to Lennon. Whilst looking at Lennon Matty thought of what happened at last nights events. He felt this power in him. Burning his fingertips and piercing his skin, and he loved every second of it. "Wake up." Matty whispered making the girl's eyes shoot open "Get away from me!" She cried. Matty tried to get the girl to stop screaming and lets be honest he has a very bad temper. The girl saw that her vision has started to blur again and quickly shut up. "Good girl." Matty smirked picking the girl up. "What happened to you?" she cried in his ear. Matty felt one of her tears slide down to his cheek and laughed to himself tasting the salty substance.

"I'm going to take her upstairs and clean her off, ill be back." Matty yelled to Mama who was clutching her heart. He went to the bathtub and slowly took her clothes off. She yelped in pain when he pulled a thorn out. "Stop!" She cried "I cant, you can get an infection and die on me." Matty said sternly pulling another one out. He continued this action until all of them were gone. "Why do you want to hurt me?" she asked touching his hand to only have him grab hers in a tight grip "I want you to realize who I am." Matty said "I realized it a long time ago." She sighed wanting to sink herself down under the water. He pulled her out and wrapped a towel around her sore body. A lot of you may be thinking why hasn't she left the door is right there well folks, she loved him before and she'll love him after.

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