Part 1

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Key: (y/n)=your name.

You and Hermione were currently studying together in the Gryffindor common room. It was peacefully quite, with the only noises coming from the cracking fire currently blazing in the hearth and the scratch of quills on parchment as you and Hermione were finishing homework from various classes. You have been close friends with  Hermione, Harry, and Ron since you met the trio while in detention your first year. The reason for your detention was because you punched a Slytherin in the face, just as Professor McGonagall rounded the corner, after he made a less then polite comment regarding your mother.

But recently you've started having rather strong feelings for Hermione. And after much thought, you decided that you should act on said feelings. It was a Saturday, so Harry was currently at quidditch practice and Ron was off spending time with Lavender, which meant you and Hermione would have plenty of time alone. So now was the perfect time to confess to the brilliant and beautiful witch sitting next to you.

You glanced up from the paper you were writing on to see Hermione still completely absorbed in her homework on potions. You studied her remarkable features. The sun shining through the common rooms window made her chestnut brown hair look even more angelic then usual. And her vibrant brown eyes were filled with so much intelligence and determination. Absolutely gorgeous.

"So Hermione." You finally said. "Yes? She replied, eyes still fixed on her paper as she wrote. "There was something I wanted to tell you." You said. She stopped what she was doing and turned towards you. "What is it (y/n)? She asked. "I uhh..." you began, your previous bravado now gone and your face tinted a light pink. "I... I..." You said, struggling to get the words out. Everything else you showed the utmost courage in, but when it came to something like telling the girl of your dreams your true feelings you had significantly less bravery in. Mostly because of the fear of rejection.

Hermione, observing your abnormal behavior, gently put a hand on your shoulder and asked "(y/n), what's wrong?" N-Nothing! I mean, I'm fine, I just wanted to t-tell you that... that I really... I r-really..." you continued to try at confessing your love, but your face had turned red as a tomato and you couldn't stop stuttering from the growing nervous feeling in your gut. You turned your head away, trying to hide your very apparent blush.

You stopped, took a deep breath, then turned back to Hermione. "Hermione I like you, a lot. As in r-romantically. I have for awhile now. But it's okay if you don't feel the sa-" you were cut off by Hermione's lips smashing into yours. Initially you were stunned, but you soon sunk into the kiss. She crawled onto your lap and rapped her arms around your neck, whilst you rapped yours around her waist. After about a minute you both broke away for the need to breathe.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that." Hermione said as she rested her forehead against yours. "So are we an item now?" You said. Hermione giggled and said "Of course, (y/n)." She then snuggled up against you whilst still in your lap. You then pulled her close as you both fell asleep.

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