Part 2

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It has been a fortnight since you and Hermione became a couple. After you told Ron and Harry about your new found relationship with the brilliant witch, Harry simply smiled and said "Well it took you long enough." Whilst Ron followed up with a smirk on his face "And here I thought you were just gay." Which earned him a swat on the back of the head.

At the moment it was late at night in the boys dormitory at Gryffindor tower and you were trying in vain to fall asleep. For some odd reason no, matter how horribly exhausted you were, you just couldn't drift off to sleep. Sighing in frustration, you sat up in your four-poster bed. Your cat, a female black cat named 'Ally' was peacefully snoozing at the foot of your bed. "Well at least one of us is getting some sleep tonight." you whispered as you scratched behind one of Ally's ears. You then quietly got out of bed and walked out of the dorm, moving slowly as to not wake up any of the other sleeping Gryffindors. Once out of the room you went down the spiral staircase into the Gryffindor common room. You moved past the squishy arm chairs and sat down on the floor directly in front of the fire, and just started staring into it.

You often did this when sleep alluded you. Having the warmth of the flames wash over you as you stared into the blazing hearth gave you a great sense of calm and relief. For about 5 minutes there was no sound except the crackling of the fire. But then you heard the sound of a door opening and closing. Looking towards where the noise came from, you saw none other then Hermione Granger. She was wearing her sleeping clothes and had just came in from the doorway that leads towards the girls dormitory. She looked about as tired as you were, but here eyes suddenly light up when she Noticed you by the hearth.

"(y/n), what are you doing up this late?" She asked sleepily. "I couldn't sleep. So I came down here to clear my head a bit." You replied. "What about you?" "Well I couldn't sleep either, so I thought I'd come down here to clear my mind as well. Mind if I join you?" She said. "Of course not." You answered. She smiled warmly as she sat down next to you then leaned her head on your shoulder. The two of you stayed that way for awhile, just enjoying each other's company.

After about 10 minutes, Hermione then broke the peaceful silence by saying "(y/n)?" "Yes Hermione?" You responded, " taking your eyes of the fire at looking directly into her beautiful brown hues. "Well I was thinking... since neither of us can go to sleep on our own, and we can't just not go to sleep tonight." As she spoke you could see her face turning pink. "I... I just thought that maybe we try to fall asleep... together." Now it was your turn to blush. "Sure!" You exclaimed. "Err, I mean, only if you really want to." She simply nodded yes and said "I wasn't sure you'd agree to-" she was cut off by you swiftly sweeping her off her feet and carrying her bridal style towards the boys dormitory. She let out a small yelp in surprise by the sudden action but soon relaxed in your arms. "But wait, what if someone sees us in the morning?" Hermione asked, the thought just now coming to her. "Oh don't worry, I'm sure Harry wouldn't mind if we borrowed his invisibility cloak for the night." You responded.

Reaching the room of the boys dorm, you gently pushed door. Ever so quietly you made your way over to your crimson four-posted bed. You pulled back the hangings and gently put Hermione down. She watched as you moved over to the chest at the foot of Harry's bed and silently dig through it until you found the invisibility cloak. You tip-toed back over to your bed and carefully laid down next to Hermione as you put the mystical cloak over the two of you. Immediately Hermione cuddled up to your chest as you intertwined your legs with hers. " I love you, (y/n)." Hermione whispered. "I love you too Hermione." You replied, before giving her a gentle kiss on her forehead. Within minutes the couple was fast asleep.

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